The emergence of Citizen Labs: A model for the creation of innovation communities

La emergencia de los laboratorios ciudadanos: Un modelo para la creación de comunidades de innovación



Palabras clave:

citizen laboratories, citizen innovation, collective intelligence, communities of practice


This article tries to analyze the emergence of citizen laboratories as an innovation model implemented by the public sector. These have acquired different forms and scope depending on the context in which they are implemented. These emerge as environments (physical or virtual) where citizens can experience innovative solutions for their communities. We analyze those aspects that differentiate them from other public innovation models, in addition to their motivation, operation and challenges they face. To this end, three cases developed in the Ibero-American environment are described, which allow us to analyze their contributions to the model, as well as the challenges and opportunities associated with its implementation.


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Cómo citar

Gómez Abad, D., & Freire, J. (2023). The emergence of Citizen Labs: A model for the creation of innovation communities: La emergencia de los laboratorios ciudadanos: Un modelo para la creación de comunidades de innovación. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 8(2), 65–79.



Research articles