Introducing Design Thinking in Social Innovation and in the Public Sector: a design based learning framework


  • Francesca Rizzo Department of Architecture and Territorial Planning, University of Bologna
  • Alessandro Deserti Politecnico di Milano
  • Onur Cobanli Politécnico di Milano


Design Thinking (DT) is becoming a mantra in the different areas of innovation: including SI and Public sector (Manzini&Rizzo, 2011; Deserti&Rizzo, 2015). But despite its large success in literature, DT is still applied in peripheral areas of Public sector where it is in place as methodology to conduct research and innovation pilots.

The article focus on the interaction between DT, public sector innovation and SI as both: an emergent trajectory of innovation in Public sector (that under the umbrella of the “co” paradigm puts together the need to develop complex co-design processes with the need to face public societal challenges) and as a framework for designing processes of learning within public organisation that could eventually lead to the introjection of new competences on how to lead innovation in public sector and ultimately to organisation change.




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Biografía del autor/a

Francesca Rizzo, Department of Architecture and Territorial Planning, University of Bologna

Department of Architecture and Territorial Planning, University of Bologna


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Cómo citar

Rizzo, F., Deserti, A., & Cobanli, O. (2017). Introducing Design Thinking in Social Innovation and in the Public Sector: a design based learning framework. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 2(1), 127–143. Recuperado a partir de



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