Reduction of lead from MnO2 anodic waste by thermal decomposition and leaching with ammonium acetate




Manganese dioxide, anodic residues, lead, ammonium acetate, characterization, thermal decomposition, leaching, crystal size


Introduction: Manganese dioxide (MnO2) is a by-product generated in the electrolysis process during the production of cathodic zinc. This adheres to the Pb-Ag anodes, forming crusts that can make their reuse difficult. To solve this, a washing cycle is carried out by brushing and ironing, generating MnO2 residues with Pb. Methodology: The pre-treatment consisted of thermal decomposition of MnO2 alpha, which caused phase changes and increased crystallinity and particle size. Leaching tests were performed using ammonium acetate to leach PbSO4 at room temperature, applying magnetic stirring and ultrasonic bath at different temperatures (300, 500 and 900°C). Results: Thermal decomposition of α-MnO2 changed its structure to Mn2O3 and Mn3O4, increasing its crystallite size from 14.82 nm to 256.9 nm. In the leaching tests, the amount of Pb in the anodic residue was reduced by 61%, from 4.84% to 1.89% Pb. Discussion: Significant changes in the morphology and particle size of MnO2 were observed before and after thermal decomposition, facilitating the removal of Pb and reducing the Mn content in the leached solution. Conclusions: Lead reduction in the anode residue was achieved by 61%, generating almost pure PbO as a by-product, and an effluent with Pb and Mn contents within environmental regulations.


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Author Biographies

Orfelinda Avalo Cortez, National University of Engineering

Research Professor at the National University of Engineering, Faculty of Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, in the Professional School of Metallurgical Engineering. 07 years of experience as Head of Laboratory and Leader of the Research Group ‘Nanomaterials and Metallurgy’ registered in the DANI from 2016 to date and responsible for the implementation of this research laboratory. Academic background as Bachelor and Professional Degree in Metallurgical Engineering at the National University of Engineering. Doctor and Master Degree in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, obtained at the Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, PUC-Rio, Brazil.

Miguel Jaime Martínez Coronel, National University of Engineering

Metallurgical Engineer and has a postgraduate degree in Metallurgical Sciences registered in SUNEDU and specialisations in Commercial Management, Project Management, Financial Management, as well as studies in Integrated Management and Quality Systems. He has more than 12 years of experience in mining operations and improvement projects in large-scale mining.

David Pedro Martínez Aguilar, National University of Engineering

Researcher in Metallurgical Engineering at the Faculty of Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Engineering of the National University of Engineering, in the area of extractive metallurgy and nanomaterials. Master of Science in Metallurgical Engineering at the National University of Engineering. Undergraduate lecturer in the courses of Ceramics, Mineral and Materials Processing. Postgraduate lecturer in the Master's Degree in Metallurgical Engineering, teaching courses on Biometallurgy.

Edwilde Yoplac Castromonte, National University of Engineering

University lecturer in the area of Extractive and Environmental Metallurgy. Researcher in the area of Extractive and Environmental Metallurgy. Professionally he worked as a metallurgist, becoming Manager of the Research Department in the Area of Extractive Metallurgy in the Mining Bank of Peru and as head of the Metallurgical Research Department of SGS of Peru; currently he works as a consultant in the area of Extractive Metallurgy in various mining companies and PhD student in Engineering and Environmental Sciences at the National Agrarian University La Molina. Master of Science with mention in Metallurgical Engineering at the University of Concepción, Chile. Metallurgical Engineer graduated from the National University of Engineering.

Julio Uza Teruya, National University of Engineering

Master of Science in Metallurgical Engineering from the National University of Engineering. Metallurgical engineer, he worked in projects of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and environmental adequacy and management programme (MAPAS) for the mines of Centromin, Cerro de Pasco, Mhar Tunel and Minsur; and in the environmental supervision of the mining companies Minsur and Andaychahua. He currently teaches specialisation courses on the environment at the Pontificia Universidad Católica and is a senior lecturer and Director of Research at the Metallurgical School of the Faculty of Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Engineering of the National University of Engineering of Peru.


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How to Cite

Avalo Cortez, O., Martínez Coronel, M. J., Martínez Aguilar, D. P., Yoplac Castromonte, E., & Uza Teruya, J. (2025). Reduction of lead from MnO2 anodic waste by thermal decomposition and leaching with ammonium acetate. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–21.



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