Anxiety as a stressor to treatment in women with Human Papillomavirus



Palabras clave:

women, stress, systems, nursing, anxiety, Human Papillomavirus, care, public health


Introduction: Sexually transmitted infections are a serious public health problem, such as Human Papillomavirus Infection, which has acquired a peculiar relevance due to its high incidence. Methodology: correlational, cross-sectional, 80 women were surveyed, the Trait-State Anxiety Inventory IDARE was used, prior informed consent, Pearson's r was applied. Results: Age 31.89 ± 7.9 years, 65% catholic, 53% married; 76% did not accept the treatment, of which 36% presented state anxiety and 39% presented trait anxiety; 24% accepted the treatment, of which 8% had state anxiety and 6% had trait anxiety. Discussion: It was observed that anxiety is not associated with the acceptance or rejection of treatment for Human Papillomavirus infection in the women in this sample. Conclusions: No statistical significance was found between state and trait anxiety with the acceptance or rejection of treatment for Human Papillomavirus infection in women (p>.05).


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Biografía del autor/a

Sara Huerta Gonzalez, Universidad Veracruzana

Doctor of Nursing Sciences, Master of Science in Nursing, Specialist in Maternal and Child Nursing, Specialization in Community Psychology and Bachelor of Nursing. Full-time Professor of Nursing in the Poza Rica-Tuxpan region, he teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses. National System of Researchers Level 1 in CONAHCYT belongs to the Veracruz Registry of Researchers. Guest tutor of the Master's and Doctorate program in Nursing at FENO-UNAM. He has a Desirable Profile of the Program for Higher Teaching Development in Mexico PRODEP, Level VI in the Program of Incentives for the Performance of the Academic Staff PEDPA. President of the Latin American Network of Empathy, Founding Member of the Human Rights Network Interculturality, Gender, Vulnerability, Inclusion and Sustainability.


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Cómo citar

Huerta Gonzalez, S. (2025). Anxiety as a stressor to treatment in women with Human Papillomavirus. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–12.



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