The genre of uchronia through The Man in the High Castle: a literary and cinematic perspective



Palabras clave:

literature, audiovisual, uchronia, alternative history, genre, alternative present, multiple realities, science fiction


Introduction: This article aims to define the elements which conform the uchronia through Philip K. Dick’s, The Man in the High Castle (1962), and the homonymous series produced by Ridley Scott and Frank Spotnitz (2015-2019). Methodology: The origins of the uchronia have been examined among the science fiction framework, as well as some definitions of the term from various disciplines. A descriptive analysis about the implied elements in the uchronian characterisation has been developed, following Altman’s semantic-syntactic approach to defining the cinematic genre, which has been transferred to the realm of literature. Analysis and results: The portrayal of fictional and historical figures produces semantic-syntactic connections, considering the conflicts that they introduce through their perception about the uchronian world. A series of minor objects connect to the concept of authenticity in distinctive areas, as one of the main themes that the genre examines. Conclusions: Contrarily to other correlated subgenres, the uchronia suggests a possible fictional world based on historical factors. The contrast between the novel and the series exhibits the solid connection between both formats despite their different nature.  


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Biografía del autor/a

Paula del Carmen García González, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Graduate in Modern Languages at University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (2021), and a master's degree on Teaching Training (English specialty) at University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and La Laguna (2022). In the context of the closure of these study plans, two research works were developed, related to literature and education respectively:  "The Dystopian Characterisation in the English 20th Century Fiction of the 30s, 40s and 50s" and "A Syllabus Proposal for 4th Year of Compulsory Secondary Education". Nowadays, I work as a teacher attending underage students at social exclusion risk in the Foundation ECCA Social. Simultaneously, I am involved in the Doctoral Programme in Territory and Society by the University of Las Palmas and La Laguna.


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Cómo citar

García González, P. del C. (2025). The genre of uchronia through The Man in the High Castle: a literary and cinematic perspective. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–18.



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