Relevance of Humanistic Education in Faculties of Experimental Sciences: A Comprehensive Study



Palabras clave:

comprehensive education, experimental sciences, humanities, university, interdisciplinarity, technification, inter/science conversations, dialogue


Introduction: The university has evolved to adapt to recent changes, prioritizing specialization at the expense of holistic education. This article examines how this transformation has created a gap between the humanities and scientific disciplines, displacing critical reflection with efficiency. Our objectives are to explore the historical foundations of the university to preserve its essence and to argue the importance of comprehensive education through a concrete case in the Faculty of Experimental Sciences at Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, which integrates humanities subjects and interdisciplinary activities into its programs. Methodology: The research conducted has been descriptive, using both quantitative and qualitative experimental methodologies in line with the proposed objectives. The empirical study was conducted with 1690 students, showing that comprehensive and humanistic education improves learning in experimental sciences. Conclusions: The results highlight the need for innovative methodologies that foster integral knowledge and the intersection between science and the humanities, emphasizing the importance of future scientists studying humanities subjects to develop a broader understanding of reality and recognize the limits of the scientific method.


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Biografía del autor/a

Pilar Gimenez Armentia, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria

Bachelor in Philosophy (University of Valencia) and PhD in Journalism and Communication Sciences (Complutense University of Madrid), Master's in Journalism and Communication (University of Valencia), Master's in International Cooperation (Complutense University of Madrid). Dialogical coach specialized in personal and corporate coaching (Francisco de Vitoria University). Full professor of humanities, at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, at Francisco de Vitoria University, where she has been teaching since 1995. Actively works on social issues and has organized and directed missions in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Peru, Paraguay, Guinea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Cuba, Delhi, Croatia, and Palestine. Expert in Gender and Media issues, she also engages in lobbying at the United Nations and the European Parliament. She is the Coordinator of the Department of Missions and Social Development and the Vice Dean of Integral Formation at the Faculty of Experimental Sciences.

Fernando Viñado Otero, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria

PhD in Education (Complutense University of Madrid), Master's in Contemporary Migrations (Pontifical University of Comillas, Madrid), Specialist in Organizational Management (Catholic University of Córdoba, Argentina), Bachelor’s in Theology (University of Salamanca), and Degree in Pastoral Theology (Pontifical University of Buenos Aires, Argentina). Currently, Vice-Rector of Student Affairs and Integral Formation at Francisco de Vitoria University and professor of Anthropology in the Faculty of Law, Business, and Governance.


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Cómo citar

Gimenez Armentia, P., & Viñado Otero, F. (2025). Relevance of Humanistic Education in Faculties of Experimental Sciences: A Comprehensive Study. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–18.



Humanismo y Ciencias Sociales