Relationships between domain changes and connections: An analysis from the perspective of mathematical work and teacher knowledge



Palabras clave:

mathematical teacher’s specialized knowledge, mathematical working spaces, connections between theories, domain changes, Thales' theorem, sequences, concept of the function, teaching of mathematics


Introduction: This study addresses the teaching task contextualized in the teaching of different topics of mathematic (functions, sequences, and Thales’ theorem). To do so, the characteristics of the mathematical work and specialized knowledge that the teacher shows during teaching are analyzed, considering as a frame of reference the complementarity between two theoretical perspectives (MWS and MTSK). Methodology: The study is framed in the qualitative approach, based on an integrated multiple case study design, which allows analysis of the proposed mathematical performance (oral and/or written) of three teachers. Results: The analyses allow a deep examination of the development of mathematical work and demonstration of the relationships between the inter-conceptual connections as well as the domain changes that are expressed in teachers’ work. In general, the results reveal the privileging of algebraic treatments and emphasis on the procedural. Conclusion: Contributions are identified in the perspective of the connection between theories in the context of the models involved.


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Biografía del autor/a

Gonzalo Espinoza-Vásquez, Alberto Hurtado University

PhD. in Didactics of Mathematics, dedicated to undergraduate and graduate teaching and research in the line of training and professional development of mathematics teachers.

Paula Verdugo-Hernández, University of Talca

PhD. in Didactics of Mathematics, dedicated to teaching and research in initial teacher education and mathematics teacher training.

Carolina Henríquez-Rivas, Catholic University of the Maule

PhD. in Didactics of Mathematics, dedicated to undergraduate and graduate teaching and research in mathematics teacher training.


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Cómo citar

Espinoza-Vásquez, G., Verdugo-Hernández, P., & Henríquez-Rivas, C. (2025). Relationships between domain changes and connections: An analysis from the perspective of mathematical work and teacher knowledge. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–21.




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