Assessment of water availability using indicators: a case study in a transboundary basin



Palabras clave:

Transboundary basin, sectoral demand, aridity index, water supply index, water quality index, water availability, transboundary basin, Catamayo-Chira


Introduction: The continued growth of populations and economies has increased the demand for water. The situation is especially complicated in transboundary river basins where the availability of freshwater is increasingly limited, despite the implementation of policies, plans and legislation, aimed at the management and use of the vital liquid. For this reason, the purpose of this research is to evaluate the availability of water resources through the application of indicators. Methodology: Meteorological information was collected, which was processed by applying 3 indices to determine the availability and quality of water in the Catamayo – Chira Transfrontier Basin. Results: The sectoral demand for water was calculated for the Ecuadorian part, determining the Net Water Supply. aridity Water Use and water quality were determined. Discussions: 72% of the total area has a lower requirement for water resources to cover the needs of the vegetation. 63.11% of the basin has acceptable water quality, which indicates that it does not present major contamination that could affect human well-being. Conclusions: The basin presents acceptable conditions of water availability and quality, although an increase in sectoral demands could affect these conditions in the medium term.


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Biografía del autor/a

Fernando Oñate-Valdivieso, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Doctor in Hydrology from the University of Alcalá (spain). Civil Engineer from the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL) (Ecuador). University professor since 1999 at UTPL. Principal professor of the subjects of hydrology, geographic information systems in undergraduate and postgraduate. He has been principal investigator and director of projects funded by national and international government and research entities. He has extensive experience in hydrological modeling applied to the water resources management, infrastructure design and risk prevention. He has been Director of the department of Geology, Mines and Civil Engineering and Director of the Water Resources Master Program at UTPL. He is the author of scientific publications in scientific journals and book chapters.

Ximena Cuenca Torres, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Civil Engineer from the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja with experience in hydrology and management of hydrographic basins. He has participated in research and consulting projects on topics related to water resources management.


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Cómo citar

Oñate-Valdivieso, F., & Cuenca Torres, X. (2024). Assessment of water availability using indicators: a case study in a transboundary basin . European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–17.


