Myth and Reality: Gender disparities in Brain Disease Narratives



Palabras clave:

roles, brain, trauma, narratives, vulnerability, myth


Introduction: This study analyzes the changing roles of women in relation to brain diseases, focusing on their emotional experiences and the disparity between reality and fiction regarding gender equality in this context. Methodoloy: The qualitative methodology used in this study is based on the narrative analysis of the autobiographical novel “La chica de la parada mental. No pierdas el tren” (2023) by Laura Torres-Caro. The study explores the challenges women face with symptoms of brain injuries, often misinterpreted as psychiatric issues. Discussion: The study highlights how trauma narratives allow affected individuals to confront their condition and recover their identity. Women with neurological or chronic conditions often experience disbelief and isolation, comparable to the mythological figure of Cassandra, whose wisdom was ignored, leading her to solitude. The research aims to understand symbolic representations of gender in brain disease from a mythological perspective to promote gender equity in healthcare. Conclusions: It examines how myths contribute to gender inequality and emotional vulnerability, emphasizing the wisdom and knowledge of women that are often dismissed in patriarchal societies.


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Biografía del autor/a

Laura Torres Caro, Universidad de Málaga

The author has a solid academic and professional background after suffering a coma, 2006. She is an English teacher, with an Official Master's Degree in Bilingualism. She is currently pursuing a doctorate in Philosophy and Letters, with a thesis linked to her own autobiographical novel about the experience of falling ill. She has participated as a speaker and assistant in several conferences on health, women, linguistics and literature in Spain (2023-2024). She is also a peer reviewer of scientific articles and writer of monographs and chapters in academic books. Her literary career includes the publication of the autobiographical novel “La chica de la parada mental. Don't miss the train” and the personal growth project ‘The Reflection of Success’. She has also worked as a teacher in Spain and the United Kingdom.


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Cómo citar

Torres Caro, L. (2025). Myth and Reality: Gender disparities in Brain Disease Narratives. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–16.



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