Teachers' communication skills with families. A case study in rural schools in China




Palabras clave:

home-school communication, teacher communicative competence, rural education, communicative barriers, primary education, family involvement, teacher training


Introduction: The school-family relationship is a vital factor in improving student development and educational outcomes. Effective communication between home and school has a positive impact on students, communities and educators, particularly in rural areas where structural challenges are prevalent. This study investigates the impact of rural teachers' communication skills on school-family dynamics in northwest Shaanxi Province, China. Method: Quantitative approach was used to collect data from teachers and parents through questionnaires. Results: Parental-teachers' communication competence is strongly correlated with family involvement. Discussion and conclusions: The findings suggest that strengthening communication skills, particularly among teachers in rural areas, can significantly increase family involvement, leading to improved educational outcomes and more cohesive school-family relationships.


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Biografía del autor/a

Xin Xu, Universitat de Lleida

D. student in the Department of Education, Psychology and Social Work at the University of Lleida and plans to complete her doctoral thesis in 2024. She obtained her Master's degree at the University of Huddersfield, UK, and has published four articles in academic journals. She has done research internships at the University of Rome III.

Muyang Zhu, Universitat de Lleida

student, completing studies at the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Social Work at the University of Lleida. After completing her undergraduate training in Spanish Linguistics at Nanjing University, China, and her master's program at the University of Alcalá, benefiting from intercultural training and the development of intercultural identities, she has since focused on intercultural education issues, during which time she completed her stay at the University of Bologna and the University of Barcelona.


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Cómo citar

Xu, X., & Zhu, M. (2025). Teachers’ communication skills with families. A case study in rural schools in China. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–17. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2025-1596


