Promoting Urban Planners for Sustainable Development: Responsive Education in Transforming City Regions



Palabras clave:

urban space design, new urban goals, transforming city regions, collaborative work, interdisciplinarity, integrated urban planning, European education pathways, 2030 Agenda


Introduction: Unprecedented urban growth poses social and environmental challenges that require integrated planning and interdisciplinary education. Universities, particularly postgraduate programmes such as Transforming City Regions, have a crucial role to play in addressing these challenges. Methodology: This study uses a combination of theoretical and practical analysis and questionnaires to examine the impact of the Transforming City Regions programme on the education of future urban planners. Findings: The paper finds that students wishing to pursue a career in urban planning have a multidisciplinary educational background, which provides them with appropriate characteristics for urban planning. Discussion: Although initially challenging, students improve their practical application of theoretical knowledge throughout the Master's programme. The emphasis on research skills and critical analysis is crucial for the development of new areas and sustainable cities. Conclusions: The paper concludes that university Master's programmes provide a robust education in urban planning, capable of addressing current issues, but requiring continuous review processes to enhance learning.


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Biografía del autor/a

Fabio Bayro Kaiser, RWTH Aachen University

Dr. Fabio Bayro Kaiser, architect, is a research associate at the Institute of Urban Design, Faculty of Architecture, RWTH Aachen University, Germany. His research focuses on urbanisation processes through spatial analysis, while his teaching focuses on urban design. Previously, he was a research associate at the Faculty of Spatial Planning at the TU Dortmund, also in Germany, and a partner at the architecture and planning office M.Kaiser in Tarija, Bolivia.

F. Javier Ostos-Prieto, RWTH Aachen University

Architect (2017) Seville University. Master in Architecture and Historical Heritage (2018) and Master in Urbanism, Planning and Urban Design (2020) Seville University. Doctor in Architecture Seville University and RWTH Aachen University (2024). Working at the project 'Built and Lived Environment' with the UNESCO Chair for Cultural Heritage and Urbanism at the RWTH Aachen University. Researcher of the project ‘Identification of Values and Heritage Impact Assessment in the surroundings of the Monumental Complex of the Alhambra and the Generalife in Granada’ for the Patronato de la Alhambra y Generalife (2022). Obtained the DAAD Scholarship (2019) for studies in Germany. Doctoral thesis about the study of the monastic system from an architectural and urban planning perspective across Andalusia, North-Rhine Westphalia and Europe.

Christa Reicher, RWTH Aachen University

Prof. Christa Reicher is Head of the Chair of Urban Design, the UNESCO Chair for Cultural Heritage and Urbanism, and the Institute for Urban Design and European Urbanism at the Faculty of Architecture, RWTH Aachen University in Aachen, Germany. Prior to this, she was Professor for Urban Design and Land Use Planning at the Faculty of Spatial Planning at TU Dortmund University and for Urban Design at the University of Applied Sciences in Bochum. Christa Reicher is founder of the architecture and urban planning office “RHA REICHER HAASE” in Aachen and in Dortmund.


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Cómo citar

Bayro Kaiser, F., Ostos-Prieto, F. J., & Reicher, C. (2025). Promoting Urban Planners for Sustainable Development: Responsive Education in Transforming City Regions. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–15.



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