High academic and sports performance. A challenge for higher education institutions and athletes




Palabras clave:

academic skills, resume, development, educational experience, social skills, students-athletes, subjects, universities


Introduction: The crisis in US colleges arises from a dissonance between the educational mission and the lower academic performance of student-athletes, often seen as crucial figures in campus culture. Due to the high academic demands of traditional curricula, this issue has led to conflicting views between coaches, faculty, and administrators. Methodology: a qualitative and interpretive approach based on reviewing papers and NCAA documents. Results: Lower academic performance in athletes due to a lack of adaptation of curriculum as an educational experience to develop social and academic skills, integrating academic credits. Discussion: A faculty member should be included to close the gap and design subject content focused on athletes. Conclusions: Design a curriculum approach based on educational experience as a cornerstone for developing academic and social skills in student-athletes.


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Biografía del autor/a

Alfonso Omana Guerrero, Universidad de Los Andes

PhD in pedagogy, University of Los Andes-Venezuela, MBA, University of Táchira-Venezuela, Industrial Engineer, University of Táchira-Venezuela. Visiting international professor at The University of Kansas, UEES Ecuador, Universidad Libre de Colombia, CEIPA Business School-Colombia. Junior Researcher Colombia, Associate Researcher Venezuela. Tenure professor at the University of Los Andes-Venezuela.

Giuseppe Vanoni, Politécnico Grancolombiano

PhD in business management, U. del Rosario, Colombia. MBA in agribusiness Luiz de Queiroz Higher School of Agriculture, University of Sao Paulo. Master in agribusiness management, transformation, and technology at FIA Business School, Brazil. Master in Sustainability Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul. Master’s in digital transformation and innovation in the agri-food sector from the International University of Rioja. He has specializations in agribusiness from ESAN Business School in Peru, and a teacher and trainer in higher education from the University of Cambridge, England, and is an agricultural engineer by profession. He was a professor at universities in Mexico, Chile, Colombia, and Ecuador. Currently, Associate professor at the Grancolombiano Polytechnic and a researcher certified by Renacyt-Perú, Colciencias-Colombia, and Senescyt-Ecuador


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Cómo citar

Omana Guerrero, A., & Vanoni, G. (2025). High academic and sports performance. A challenge for higher education institutions and athletes. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2025-1798


