Presentation of the Special Issue. Cultural Innovation in the Basque Country: A Polyhedral View

Presentación del Número Especial. Innovación cultural en el País Vasco: Una visión poliédrica




The Special Issue entitled "Cultural innovation in the Basque Country: A polyhedral perspective" brings together 6 articles written by members of the research group of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) "INNOkLab: Laboratory of Cultural Innovation”. The articles are, precisely, the result of a reflexive process to delimit a complex but extraordinarily suggestive field of study such as cultural innovation, from an epistemological perspective that understands cultural evolution and cultural change as a constitutive part of the most dynamic socio-technical systems of the present. It is, therefore, a collective effort that attends to the links between innovation and culture from the consideration that the associations and connections that make innovation processes possible are also the result of the transformation of daily routines, identities, symbolic interpretations and emotional repertoires of the actors involved.


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Cómo citar

Abad Miguélez, B., & Apodaka , E. (2022). Presentation of the Special Issue. Cultural Innovation in the Basque Country: A Polyhedral View: Presentación del Número Especial. Innovación cultural en el País Vasco: Una visión poliédrica. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 7(2), 1–13.



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