Developing a Human Centered Business Index – Leading with Purpose, Empathy, Systems-Approach and Resilience in ‘Business Beyond Sustainability’


  • Johanna Hallin Lumen Behavior
  • Evelina Fredriksson Lumen Behavior
  • Rebecca Altman Lumen Behavior
  • Shimeng Zhou Lumen Behavior


The scope of contemporary global challenges demands new modes of problem-solving, and the process of identifying solutions requires a diversity of perspectives. Business plays a critical role in forging the path forward, yet siloed sustainability efforts are no longer sufficient in tackling and leveraging the complex web of relationships and stakeholders at play. This paper introduces the concept of Human Centered Business, including the methodology and applied research that resulted in the Human Centered Business Index – a framework that measures performance based on purpose, empathy, systems-approach and resilience – and its findings. It provides a methodological and empirical blueprint for highlighting future frontrunners of Human Centered Business, and encourages future application, development, and good practice. The expectation is that this pilot assemblage of methodology, applied research and good practice will ignite further discussion on the future of Human Centered Business. 




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Cómo citar

Hallin, J., Fredriksson, E., Altman, R., & Zhou, S. (2016). Developing a Human Centered Business Index – Leading with Purpose, Empathy, Systems-Approach and Resilience in ‘Business Beyond Sustainability’. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 1(1), 33–43. Recuperado a partir de



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