Urban transformations and tourist impact of events. The Holy Week in Seville




Palabras clave:

urbanismo, eventos, festivales, turismo, ciudad histórica, política pública, servicios, paisaje urbano


Introducción: Los eventos pueden causar un impacto profundo en transformaciones urbanísticas, debido a los efectos en el paisaje urbano y al refuerzo de los servicios urbanos. Además, impactan en la percepción de los turistas sobre los destinos urbanos. Metodología: El objetivo es analizar el impacto de la Semana Santa de Sevilla en cuanto a presencia urbana y percepción de los visitantes. La metodología incluye cuestionarios a visitantes, análisis espacial de servicios urbanos reforzados, recorridos y movimiento de asistentes, registro de actividades relacionadas y análisis de documentos de políticas públicas. Resultados: Existe una visita relativamente baja a sitios patrimoniales y atractivos turísticos durante la Semana Santa, principalmente porque la mayoría de los turistas repiten visita al evento. Los asistentes muestran una gran satisfacción con todos los aspectos relacionados con el evento en general, especialmente los que viven en la ciudad y los que vienen del extranjero. Discusión: Los aspectos clave a mejorar son la movilidad y la visita a otros recursos. Conclusiones: La Semana Santa es muy importante en términos de número de visitantes, impacto económico y orgullo cívico, y mejorar y mantener la calidad de los servicios urbanos es clave para garantizar la satisfacción de turistas y residentes.


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Biografía del autor/a

Daniel Barrera-Fernández, University of Seville

Daniel Barrera-Fernández is an Architect and has a Master's Degree in Architecture and Historical Heritage from the University of Seville. He obtained his Ph.D. at the University of Malaga, his doctoral thesis got the Extraordinary Doctorate Award. He is a Professor at the University of Seville, previously he was a Professor at the Autonomous University of Oaxaca "Benito Juárez" and at the University of Guanajuato. His lines of research are the study, management and conservation of heritage, urban planning in historic cities, cultural and urban tourism and sustainable mobility. He is coordinator for Latin America of the Association for Tourism and Leisure Education and Research (ATLAS).

Marco Hernández-Escampa, University of Seville

Marco Hernández-Escampa is an Architect from the National Autonomous University of Mexico and he has a master’s degree in Architectural Sciences from the Autonomous University of the State of Morelos. He has two doctoral degrees, the first in Engineering and Applied Sciences from the Autonomous University of the State of Morelos, the second in Anthropology from the College of Morelos. He is a Professor at the University of Seville, previously he was a Professor at the Autonomous University of Oaxaca "Benito Juárez" and at the University of Guanajuato. His line of research is the study, management and conservation of heritage. He has carried out projects in coordination with the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) on UNESCO World Heritage sites.

Antonia Balbuena-Vázquez, University of Valladolid

Antonia Balbuena-Vazquez, BA in Anthropology from the University of Granada, (Spain), Ph.D. in Tourism from the University of Malaga. Her main field of study is the resident attitude towards tourism. She has several international publications related to tourism and social impacts. She is a Professor at the University of Valladolid.

Antonio Lluelma-Izquierdo, University of Seville

Antonio Lluelma-Izquierdo has a Double Degree in Geography and Territory Management and History from the University of Seville. His final thesis was about the urban transformations in Seville due to the ecclesiastical confiscation of the 19th Century. During his studies, he has made some research in different lines, but the most important ones were about religious issues and urban tourism in Seville. With one of these works, he took part in the 2nd edition of Open House Seville architecture festival, presenting the visit called “Sevilla Desacralizada”.


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Cómo citar

Barrera-Fernández, D., Hernández-Escampa, M., Balbuena-Vázquez, A., & Lluelma-Izquierdo, A. (2024). Urban transformations and tourist impact of events. The Holy Week in Seville. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–19. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2025-444



Humanismo y Ciencias Sociales