Iruinkokoa: A case of folkloric innovation in an urban environment



Parole chiave:

innovation, folklore, networks, urban carnival, tradition, Pamplona, Iruinkokoa


The case considered here takes us on a journey through the Basque carnival, Iruinkokoa, a space where innovation in folklore opens opportunities for forming relationships and experiences, and where the Basque language becomes one of the main vehicles for these experiences. The carnival ritual becomes a dynamic artefact, capable of adapting to our constantly changing times from beneath its perennial guise and establishing common meeting points. In other words, dance, music, and theatre can be perceived as converging elements (interfaces) that favour interventions between different agents and prolong/expand themselves through the network towards other interactions (either through regulatory or official spheres, or through the opportunity encounters provide for creative drift). The concept of articulation makes it possible to consider the past as an extended network where culture and identity are constantly being constructed and reconstructed from the present.


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Come citare

Otaegi, K., & Apodaka, E. (2022). Iruinkokoa: A case of folkloric innovation in an urban environment. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 7(2), 70–83.



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