Paradigmatic dilemmas and innovation processes in the gastronomic culture of the Basque Country




gastronomy, complexity, cultural innovation, Basque Country, creative industries


This article reviews the evolution of gastronomic culture in the Basque Country in the last four decades. More than a historical account, the work focuses on placing Basque cuisine, from the New Basque Cuisine to the most contemporary developments, in the debate between different gastronomic paradigms. Basque gastronomy moves not so much along a line of disruptive creativity and innovation, but rather in an incremental drift that shows great pragmatism in adapting to new circumstances, as well as an enormous institutionalizing power. The work concludes with a proposal to rethink gastronomy and introduce it within the framework of a new paradigm, gastrology, in order to face the challenges posed by the recent pandemic.


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Como Citar

Martinez de Albeniz, I., & Galarraga, A. (2022). Paradigmatic dilemmas and innovation processes in the gastronomic culture of the Basque Country. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 7(2), 84–98.



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