Editorial Synthesis: Methodological Challenges in Social Innovation Research
In recent years, there have been substantial efforts towards theory-building and conceptual clarification in social innovation (SI) research further contributing to its consolidation as a research field. Taking a different angle, this special issue aims to contribute to such consolidation by introducing greater reflexivity about the underlying methodologies and logics of inquiry. It features eight contributions from the main methodological orientations in SI research, namely systematic knowledge development and action-oriented research that discuss particular methodological challenges and advances. This editorial synthesis serves to take stock and elicit their broader significance for SI research along the normative, temporal and comparative dimensions of methodology choices. Dimensions, which are salient to SI research without being tied to any specific methodological tradition. As such, they reflect our aim to transcend the methodological fragmentation of the SI research field and open up a methodological discussion through a methodologically pluralist stance.
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Biekart, K. (2017). Contributing to Civic Innovation through Participatory Action Research. European Public and Social Innovation Review 2: 1.
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Bouchard, M.J. and Trudelle, C. (2013). Exploring the conceptual universe of social innovation: A relational database for a better understanding of its effects on social transformation, (Paper presented at the international conference Social Frontiers : The next edge of social innovation research, at GCU's London Campus on 14th and 15th November 2013).
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Callorda Fossati, E., Degavre, F., and Nyssens, M. (2017). How to deal with an “essentially contested concept” on the field? Sampling social innovations through the Delphi method. European Public and Social Innovation Review
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Haxeltine, A., Pel, B., Wittmayer, J., Avelino, A., Dumitru, A. and Kemp, R. (2017). Building a middle-range theory of Transformative Social Innovation; theoretical pitfalls and methodological responses. European Public and Social Innovation Review 2: 1.
Hirsch Hadorn, G., Hoffmann-Riem, H., Bieber-Klemm, S., Grossenbacher-Mansuy, W., Joye, D., Pohl, C., Wiesmann, U. and Zemp, E. (2008). Handbook of Transdisciplinary Research. Dordrecht: Springer.
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Jessop, B., Moulaert, F., Hulgård, L. and Hamdouch, A. (2013). Social innovation research: a new stage in innovation research? In: Moulaert, F. et al. (eds.). The International Handbook on Social Innovation: Collective Action, Social Learning and Transdisciplinary Research. (110-127) Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
Jungmann R., Baur, N. and Ametowobla, D. (2015). Grasping Processes of Innovation Empirically. A Call for Expanding the Methodological Toolkit. An Introduction. Historische Sozialforschung/ Historical Social Research (HSR). 7-29.
Kaletka, C. and Schröder, A. (2017). A Global Mapping of Social Innovations: Challenges of a Theory Driven Methodology. European Public and Social Innovation Review 2: 1.
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Larsson, O.S. and Brandsen, T. (2016). The Implicit Normative Assumptions of Social Innovation Research: Embracing the Dark Side. In: Brandsen et al. (eds), Social Innovations in the Urban Context. (pp. 293-302, Ch. 24). New York: Springer.
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Lévesque, B. (2013) Social innovation in governance and public management systems: towards a new paradigm? In: F. Moulaert (Ed.), The International Handbook on Social Innovation; Collective Action, Social Learning and Transdisciplinary Research, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2013.
Marques, P., Morgan, K., and Richardson, R. (2017). Social innovation in question: The theoretical and practical implications of a contested concept. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 2399654417717986.
Martinelli, F., Moulaert, F and González, S. (2010). Creatively designing urban futures: A transversal analysis of socially innovative initiatives. In: Moulaert et al., (eds) Can neighbourhoods save the city? Community development and social innovation. (pp. 198- 218, Ch. 14) London: Routledge.
McGowan, K. and Westley, F. (2015). At the Root of Change: The History of Social Innovation. In: Nicholls, A. et al., (eds), New Frontiers in Social Innovation Research (pp. 52-68, Ch. 3). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
McGowan, K.A. and Westley, F. (2017). Constructing the Evolution of Social Innovation: Methodological Insights from a Multi-Case Study. European Public and Social Innovation Review 2: 1.
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