Media literacy and LOMLOE: implementing the new assessment criteria



Palabras clave:

LOMLOE, media manipulation, critical thinking, CSE, competency-based assessment, MIL, learning scenario, EFL


Introduction: Assessment criteria (AC) developed in Castilla-La Mancha after LOMLOE eases the way to competency-based assessment. This, in turn, requires a more innovative approach to teaching that allows for critical thinking and the analysis of the world around us. Current legislation in Spain also alludes to the need towards encouraging critical thinking in relation to the media. In this article, Media and Information Literacy (MIL) is presented as an ideal solution to this need, while providing guidelines for the introduction of AC provided by the July 12th decree 82/2022 in the English classroom. Methodology: After considering contemporary studies on the benefits of MIL and taking on board European recommendations on this topic, some materials and activities are designed for their implementation in Compulsory Secondary Education (CSE) in Spain. Results: This article provides a user-friendly guide for teachers to implement current AC when assessing learning scenarios (LS) and also presents some materials to be used in first cycle of CSE when designing LS using MIL contents. Conclusions: MIL proves to be an ideal ally in the English as a foreign language classroom.


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Biografía del autor/a

Margarita Navarro Pérez, University of Castilla-La Mancha

Margarita Navarro is a teacher and researcher at the Faculty of Education of Ciudad Real, University of Castilla-La Mancha. Her research interests combine innovation in the teaching of a foreign language, gender, and media analysis. After defending her European PhD, framed within the area of cultural studies, research on innovation in education takes up a relevant role. The combination of the aforementioned research interests proves to be a fruitful combination, both in relation to her teaching and research production. Having carried out several research stays in the United Kingdom and in Chile, Margarita has made extensive contributions at national and international congresses and has published both in academic journals and scientific book chapters, that are a prove of her research contributions.


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Cómo citar

Navarro Pérez, M. (2024). Media literacy and LOMLOE: implementing the new assessment criteria. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–21.

