Mapping and conceptualizing the measurement of organizational social value using systems thinking.


  • Harry Tomas Fulgencio Leiden University
  • Dr. René Orij Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Law Faculty, Leiden University
  • Dr. Hans Le Fever Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science Leiden University


Studies about social value have been devoted to issues or phenomena, projects, or activities of organizations but none have evaluated the organizational social value as oppose to economic value. Our question is: in the field of business and economics, how has organizational social value been scholarly or academically analyzed? By performing a systematic literature review of articles, and using scientometric analysis of 45 articles. 34 out of the 45 articles were mapped into the extended systems thinking: input, process, output and environment (IPOE) framework. Our results indicate that: a) input and environment dimensions have been most researched while process and output have been least researched; b) applicability of the IPOE framework as a mapping tool for organizational social value  but requires further confirmation; and c) social value creation non-profit, hybrid and for-profit organizations may be linked together. Our research would be helpful for organizations interested in measuring their social value.





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Biografía del autor/a

Harry Tomas Fulgencio, Leiden University

A researcher, a thesis coach and is knowledgeable in information technology. Early 2016, He started a company called Social Value Matters. this is to fully realize his work towards enabling people and organizations create and capture their social value by addressing social problems. This is made possible due to his strong ICT background, interdisciplinary research and passion for making strong connections between practical and academic concerns. Some of his research interests are: living labs, social innovation, social entrepreneurship and ict development.

Dr. René Orij, Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Law Faculty, Leiden University

René Orij is a business lecturer and researcher. He currently runs an entrepreneurship and innovation center. He has taught several business-related ourses over the last 15 years. His main research interests are business-society links and legal technology. From 1999 to 2001 he was an advisor and trainer of a Vietnamese development bank. Before that, Orij worked as a Credit risk manager with Deutsche Bank in several places in Europe, from 1992 to 1999.

Dr. Hans Le Fever, Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science Leiden University

Dr. Hans Le Fever obtained a PhD in experimental physics at Leiden University and this early experience with the application of computers for scientific purposes landed him a job at Shell, where he spent 22 years in a variety of planning and IT Management functions. He has worked in areas with diverse cultures and levels of IT maturity, always focussed on creating tangible and intangible value for the organization from the application of IT.

Since 2003 he is an independent academic and professional educator in the field of managing IT and scientific innovation. He was academic programme director for the Leiden University ICT in Business MSc curriculum and still lectures and supervises a variety of thesis research. On the innovation side he focusses on the development of innovative start-ups in the life sciences.


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Cómo citar

Fulgencio, H. T., Orij, D. R., & Le Fever, D. H. (2016). Mapping and conceptualizing the measurement of organizational social value using systems thinking. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 1(1), 17–31. Recuperado a partir de



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