Fostering technological progress in space exploration to drive Sustainable Development Goals



Palabras clave:

SDG 9, the Cassini mission’s Electron Spectrometer (CAPS-ELS), photoelectron peaks, Titan's atmosphere, innovation, sustainable technological development, automated four-step detection algorithm, Earth's climate system


Introduction: Exploration of space and gathering data on its atmospheric conditions could drive the development of advanced space technologies, such as atmospheric sensors and remote monitoring systems. Then, scientific research in seemingly distant areas, such as astrophysics and space exploration, can contribute to the achievement of the SDGs by promoting innovation and sustainable technological development. Methodology: We present an automated four-step detection algorithm for identification of photoelectron peaks based on a short-term-average/long-term-average phase picker taken along a characteristic function. Additional analysis is applied to the longer signal window after the declared detection to characterize photoelectron peaks and discard noise disturbances. Results: The modular design of the algorithm enables the substitution of alternative strategies in any of the four steps and the rapid implementation on new datasets. Discussion: The utility of the algorithm is illustrated through an overview example based on data from all available Titan flybys. The knowledge about photoelectron peaks in Titan's atmosphere could offer insights that could be valuable for addressing climate change on Earth. Conclusions: Understanding planetary plasma environments, including their interaction with the solar wind and other space weather phenomena, can indirectly contribute to our understanding of Earth's climate system. 


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Biografía del autor/a

Raquel Caro-Carretero, Universidad Pontificia Comillas

La Dra. Raquel Caro-Carretero,como Profesora Propia Adjunta en el Departamento de Organización Industrial de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería (ICAI) de la Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid, cuenta con una ampliaexperiencia docente como investigadora. Su trabajo abarca diversas áreas, desde la aplicación de la estadística en campos ingenieriles y económico-financieros hasta el análisis de migraciones, turismo, catástrofes y Ciencias del Espacio. Es responsable dela Cátedra de Catástrofes Fundación AON España en Comillas. Durante una década, también ha compartido su conocimiento en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales de Comillas (ICADE).Su compromiso con la excelencia académica y su dedicación a la investigación se reflejan en su participación activa en conferencias internacionales, colaboraciones interdisciplinarias y publicaciones en revistas de alto impacto.


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Cómo citar

Caro-Carretero, R. (2024). Fostering technological progress in space exploration to drive Sustainable Development Goals. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–19.



Investigación e Inteligencia Artificial