Historical review of inclusive educational theories through digital archives
https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-618Palabras clave:
history, education, inclusion, disability, design, universal, learning, 3D printingResumen
Introduction: This study is framed in the field of social inclusion of people with disabilities, following the guidelines of the United Nations Convention (2006) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda. The main objective is to provide a historical overview of inclusive theories to undestand their social impact and their application in the educational field. Methodology: The methodology is qualitative and is approached from a hermeneutic-interpretative perspective, based on the analysis of bibliographic and documentary sources. Results: Among the results obtained, the sources found and the organisations that advocate for the social model of functional diversity stand out. However, for its actual implementation, more support resources are required in the educational sphere. Discussions: The digitization of archival materials demonstrates that knowledge becomes accessible when adapted to an open publication format, which can be accessed anywhere. Conclusions: The creation of an open-access learning resource repository is another inclusive measure proposed, to share adapted materials. Following the principles of the SDGs, a successful sustainable development program is achieved by creating partnerships with civil society and promoting initiatives that reduce inequalities.
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Derechos de autor 2024 Laura Sánchez Blanco, Ana Lugones Hoya

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