Edinburgh Scale with the PHQ-9 Cuestionnaire (Patient health questionnaire) for the diagnosis of post-abortion depression





Post abortion, depression, Edinburgh Scale, Psychiatric Status Rating Scales, PHQ-9 Questionnaire


Abstract: The Edinburgh scale was validated with the PHQ-9 questionnaire to identify post-abortion depression in two health establishments in Huánuco. The Methodology corresponds to quantitative, explanatory, cross-sectional, quasi-experimental scientific research, the sample was 333 post-abortion patients, 127 from the II EsSalud hospital and 206 from the Carlos Showing Ferrari Maternal and Child Hospital who were interviewed with two valid and reliable instruments. Results: According to the Edinburgh Scale, 47.2% presented suspicion of postabortion depression and 12.9% required additional evaluation within 24 hours. While, with the PHQ-9 Questionnaire, 8.1% presented Major Depressive Syndrome; 21% Other depressive syndrome and 53.2% Positive depressive symptoms. According to the score for treatment planning and control, 37.5% had minimal depression, 40.8% mild depression, and 15.9% moderate depression; and according to the condition in the functionality of the patient, 36.9% consider the condition of post-abortion depression nothing at all; 53.2% % consider the condition of post-abortion depression somewhat difficult. Conclusions: the Edinburgh Scale is valid as the PHQ-9 Questionnaire, for the diagnosis of post-abortion depression.


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Author Biographies

Justina Isabel Prado Juscamaita, Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán

Doctor in Health Sciences, Master in Education with mention in Educational Management and Planning. Both from the Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán de Huánuco. Obstetrician graduated from the San Cristobal de Huamanga National University. Renacyt teacher. Post doctorate in Research from the JNCorpas University Foundation of Colombia. Main teacher of the Faculty of Obstetrics of the National University Hermilio Valdizán. She has held the following positions: Head of the Academic Department of the Faculty, Dean of the Faculty of Obstetrics, Director of the Research Institute of the Faculty, Academic Director. Author of several scientific articles in areas such as: Health and Education. She was a guest lecturer at the University of Castilla La Mancha- Spain.

Jenny Jannet Olarte Chávez, Hospital II EsSalud Huánuco

Obstetrician graduated from the San Cristóbal de Huamanga National University, with a Master's degree in Public Health and Health Management from the Hermilio Valdizán National University, specialist in High Obstetric Risk from the University of Huánuco. Lecturer at the University of Huanuco. Author of several articles on maternal and perinatal health.

Julio Constantino Tueros Espinoza, Hospital Materno Infantil Carlos Showing Ferrari Huánuco

Doctor in Health Sciences, Master in Education with a specialisation in Educational Management and Planning, specialising in High Obstetric Risk from the Hermilio Valdizán National University. Obstetrician graduated from the National University San Cristobal de Huamanga. Part-time associate professor at the Faculty of Obstetrics of the National University Hermilio Valdizán, as well as thesis director. Attending obstetrician at the Carlos Ferrari Maternity Hospital.


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How to Cite

Prado Juscamaita, J. I., Olarte Chávez, J. J., & Tueros Espinoza, J. C. (2024). Edinburgh Scale with the PHQ-9 Cuestionnaire (Patient health questionnaire) for the diagnosis of post-abortion depression. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–18. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-1016

