Towards Inclusive Management: Women in Executive Positions in Manufacturing Companies




professional women, managerial positions, manufacturing, glass ceiling, feminism, professional progress, gender pay gap, gender equity


Introduction: This study aims to analyze the factors influencing women's access to managerial positions in manufacturing companies in Mexico. Methodology: This is a qualitative study with quantitative support, based on the interview technique. The research approach is applied, descriptive in nature, grounded in phenomenological method. The study sample consists of nine women holding managerial positions in manufacturing companies. Results: A significant number of interviewed women have attained master's and doctoral degrees. There was diversity in terms of marital status, age, and family contexts of these professionals. Most have held various positions before reaching their current roles, and labor policies vary substantially across considered companies. Some receive support for domestic tasks, while others manage their time with their partners' support. Challenges persist related to discrimination and gender stereotypes in the workplace. Discussions: The interviewed women demonstrate dedication, professional skills, and adaptability in predominantly male environments. Conclusions: Despite challenges both in the workplace and personally, they contribute to the growth, competitiveness, and success of organizations.


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Author Biographies

Valeria Martínez Villalobos, National Technological Institute of Mexico

She has a degree in Administration with a specialisation in International Trade from the Instituto Tecnológico de Chihuahua. She has more than 3 years of experience as a Project Manager and 2 years managing professional social networks. She is currently pursuing a Master's Degree in Administrative Management, developing a thesis focused on the factors that influence women to reach management positions in manufacturing companies in Chihuahua. She has given conferences on how to build a resume, agile tools and methodologies, project management and leadership. She participates in podcasts, as well as in artistic activities.

Alberto Escobedo Portillo, National Technological Institute of Mexico

He holds a PhD in Administration from the Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua, a PhD in Educational Sciences from the Centro de Investigación y Docencia, a Master in Manufacturing Systems and an Electronics Engineer from the Instituto Tecnológico de Chihuahua. Research Professor at the Tecnológico Nacional de México since 2020, attached to the Graduate Studies and Research Division. Author of books and lecturer. His lines of research are oriented towards human talent management, soft skills and social representations. He is part of the National System of Researchers (SNI-C), is leader of the Academic Body ‘Organisational studies, human talent development and inclusion of people in vulnerable situations’ and has a desirable PRODEP profile.

Julio César Villagrán Ruiz, National Technological Institute of Mexico

He holds a PhD in Education from the University of Spain and Mexico. Master in Administration from the Technological Institute of Cuauhtémoc. Industrial Engineer graduated from the Instituto Tecnológico de Cd. Cuauhtémoc. He is currently a full time research professor attached to the Graduate Studies and Research Division of the Tecnológico Nacional de México campus Chihuahua. He is an active member of the National College of Industrial Engineers Chihuahua Section CONAII. His areas of interest are organisational analysis, human talent development and vulnerable groups. He has a PRODEP desirable profile.


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How to Cite

Martínez Villalobos, V., Escobedo Portillo, A., & Villagrán Ruiz, J. C. (2024). Towards Inclusive Management: Women in Executive Positions in Manufacturing Companies. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–19.

