Construction of imaginaries from the consumption of social networks: gender and politics. Case study: young people from Ecuador




Imaginaries, Youths, genders, policy, social networks, digital native, digital contents, Digital Media


Introduction: Social networks, due to their interactive and participatory nature, are fundamental in the construction and dissemination of social imaginaries, influencing the perception of the world, including gender and politics. Methodology: A netnography was used to analyse the influence of digital media on young people aged 18-25 in Guayaquil. The research included three focus groups, non-participant observation, two surveys and interviews with psychologists. Results: The results show that social networks have a great impact on the construction of social imaginaries among young people, especially in the formation of political and gender opinions. This age group bases many of its political decisions on the content consumed through social networks. Discussion: It was found that young people are the main participants in virtual politics and gender discussions on digital platforms, reflecting how social networks affect their perspectives and social participation. Conclusions: The study concludes that social networks play a central role in the formation of political and gender imaginaries among young people, influencing their opinions and decisions.


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Author Biographies

Paola Ulloa-López, Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral

PhD from the University of Havana in Communication Sciences. She is a research professor and her line of research is digital communication and ICTs. Based on this, she has conducted research on transmedia branding, new audience behaviour, audiovisual message construction in new media and semiotic discourse analysis. Her research has also focused on the study of digital communities. The professor also leads the academic research subject for undergraduate students, which is an itinerary, i.e. an optional subject.

Kennia Rosales , Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral

Student of audiovisual production. She has been working for a year on the academic research subject in which she has been researching the construction of imaginaries in social networks, with a special emphasis on gender imaginaries in audiovisuals. The author is also part of the research project Analysis of the influence exerted by digital media from the levels of digital literacy that exist in young adult users of social networks.


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How to Cite

Ulloa-López, P., & Rosales , K. (2025). Construction of imaginaries from the consumption of social networks: gender and politics. Case study: young people from Ecuador . European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–18.


