Current state of research on reading comprehension and anxiety
reading comprehension, foreing language learning, anxiety, reading anxiety, correlations, reliability, validity, systematic reviewAbstract
Introduction: Reading comprehension is essential for academic adjustment and success. Due to its complexity, it has been associated with cognitive and non-cognitive variables; however, evidence on the relationship between reading comprehension and affective variables such as anxiety has not been systematized. Methodology: original, quantitative research articles in English, published in the period 2014-2024, were reviewed. The descriptors “reading comprehension” and “anxiety” were defined. A total of 16 articles that met the inclusion criteria were analyzed. Results: Research was found in different population groups in the context of learning a second language and in the mother tongue. For most of the measurement instruments, the reliability index is suitable; however, the authors did not report on the validity of the tests. The correlations presented are mostly significant and inversely proportional, but null or weak. Discussions: The results must be discussed in light of the suitability of the measurement instruments, without ignoring the empirical and theoretical evidence about the relevance of the affective dimension in reading processes. Conclusions: The findings suggest that research in this field be expanded to better understand the relationship between variables.
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