Communication and reduction of stigma and self-stigma in people with alcohol addiction


  • Manuel León Gayo Universidad Villanueva



stigma, self-stigma, taboo, addictions, alcoholism, alcohol use disorder, mental health, communication


Abstract: Introduction: Over 2.3 billion people worldwide consume alcohol due to cultural and economic factors, leading to serious health and social problems and contributing to 5.3% of global deaths. Individuals who develop health disorders and addictions from risky alcohol behaviors simultaneously face social stigma towards their condition. Methodology: A literature review was conducted to provide an updated perspective on the topic. Results: Although mixed results have been observed, the general evidence suggests that reducing stigma can facilitate help-seeking and improve the effectiveness of mental health and addiction communication campaigns. The review reveals studies on the influence of language, representation of individuals, formats, and methods to foster empathy, in addition to identifying stigma as a significant barrier to seeking treatment. Discussions: The need for clear, general, and humanized messages to reduce stigma is highlighted, with special attention to empathy and the balance between impact and economic cost. Conclusions: It is proposed to investigate the efficacy of influencing opinion leaders, considering the importance of recurrent communication and its costs.


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Author Biography

Manuel León Gayo, Universidad Villanueva

He holds a PhD in Journalism from the Universidad Villanueva de Madrid. He is an external collaborator-teacher of the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia of the course Leadership and mutual help groups in addictions, as well as a researcher in communication and mental health from the association inRecovery.


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How to Cite

León Gayo, M. (2024). Communication and reduction of stigma and self-stigma in people with alcohol addiction. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–14.

