Atahualpa and Cuauhtémoc: Contributions to the construction of national identity in communication resources and historical assessments




historical valuations, communication resources, culture, learninig, national identity, Atahualpa, Cuauhtémoc, construction


Introduction: We analyze the historical assessments around Atahualpa and Cuauhtémoc and the communication resources in the construction of national identity. We identify the characteristics of historical evaluations and communication resources in this process. Methodology: Qualitative, non-experimental design and applying the following research instruments: semi-structured interview guide and content analysis sheet for the representative paintings: Los Funerales de Atahualpa (1862) and El Suplicio de Cuauhtémoc (1863). Results: The historical evaluations of both characters are associated with the following terms: selfishness, decadence and death, presenting these as communication resources that appeared in school textbooks and that over time have been part of the process of construction of their national identity. Discussion: Consideration of the contributions of the assessments as part of the imaginary of both countries, making visible that their identities and communication resources are based on the Western interpretation of their history through the lives of these characters to date. Conclusions: The communication resources initially generated in its history, from a Western perspective, have fed its national identity and are characterized by its relationships with: culture, history and learning.


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Author Biographies

Rosalía, Peruvian University of Applied Sciences

Sociologist, consultant in public and private institutions and professor at the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas with publications where her main areas of research are: gender, neuro communication, education, marketing, consumer behavior, cinema, social networks, socio cultural studies, politics, fashion, religion, health, information society, interculturality and artificial intelligence. Academic background: Dc. (c) Projects in Communications Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana de México (UNINI), Mg. Higher Education Universidad Andres Bello de Chile (UNAB), Master Studies in Gender, Sexuality and Public Policy Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos de Perú (UNMSM), Diploma in Change Management and Territorial Development Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya de Perú (UARM), B.A. Sociology Universidad Nacional de Mayor de San Marcos de Perú (UNMSM).

Claudia Villaseca Flores, Peruvian University of Applied Sciences

Art and design, works in the areas of: creativity, marketing, social networks, culture, gender and current affairs. Visual Artist: Claudia Villaseca Art, Professor of Higher University Studies: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) and Universidad Privada del Norte (UPN), Professor of Higher Technical Studies: Instituto Toulouse Lautrec and Instituto Cibertec. Next, academic background: Mg. in Marketing by ESAN University (Peru), Master in Marketing Science by ESIC Business & Marketing School (Spain), Bachelor in Art and Business Design by San Ignacio de Loyola University with mention in Advertising Design (Peru), Diploma in Digital Marketing by the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences (Peru) and Diploma in Art Therapy by the Taller Mexicano de Arteterapia AC (Mexico).


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How to Cite

Caramutti De La Piedra, R. D. P., & Villaseca Flores, C. (2024). Atahualpa and Cuauhtémoc: Contributions to the construction of national identity in communication resources and historical assessments. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–14.



Humanism and Social Sciences