Opportunities for Inclusion in times of Reform


  • Marta Quiroga Lobos Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso image/svg+xml




reform, rural teachers, inclusion, especial education teachers, educational needs, change, microcenter, co-teaching


Introduction: In Chile, within a two-year time span, two legislations with radical changes in the educational system were promulgated. The frist one is the Law of Inclusion and, the second one, is the law that creates the New Public Education. This study seeks to research in the challenges and opportunities for inclusion in rural schools within the reform context, as percieved by special education teachers. Methodology: A qualitative study was undertaken, based upon interviews with ten special education teachers from two different local services of public education. The data was analyzed using the comparative constant method and based upon Hargreaves´ theory.Results: Special education teachers focus their concerns on day-to-day aspects the have been affect by the superposition in the application of both legislations.Discussions: Uncertanty is a factor that affects special education teachers´ adhesion to the content of reforms. Conclusions: Microcenter gatherings should be strengthened as spaces for colaboration and mutual support.


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Author Biography

Marta Quiroga Lobos, Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso

Professor of History and Geography at the Universidad de Concepción, Master in Education, mention in Curriculum from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, PhD in Didactics and School Organizations from the University of Seville, Spain. She is currently a professor at the School of Pedagogy of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso and Advisor to the Chilean Agency for Quality Education. Her research interests are school leadership in urban and rural contexts. She is currently implementing programs and projects that support school permanence.


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How to Cite

Quiroga Lobos, M. (2024). Opportunities for Inclusion in times of Reform. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–15. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-1067

