Application of the Circular Economy in the Mining Metallurgical Industry for the Recovery of Gold and the Production of Bricks from Tailings




Mining tailings, flotation, arsenopyrite, gold, pyrite, circular economy, characterization, bricks


Introduction: Mine tailings are toxic wastes that generate environmental risks when exposed to water and oxygen. This study evaluates the use of gold tailings to recover gold and produce bricks, applying a circular economy approach. Methodology: The sample was characterized to determine the mineral species and properties. Flotation tests were then performed on the tailings. Results: Characterization of the Marañon tailings revealed high concentrations of gold in arsenopyrite, with 90% of the gold and silver in particles smaller than 74 μm. Arsenopyrite at this fine size can damage the environment due to its toxicity. Discussion: The method offers an advantage in reducing the volume of tailings by making bricks, in addition to ornamental products made with cement and sodium silicate at room temperature. Conclusions: Circular economy applied to tailings management in mining has shown environmental and economic benefits. Waste generation is reduced and valuable materials such as gold and silver are recovered. In addition, treated tailings can be reused in the manufacture of bricks without causing environmental impacts.


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Author Biographies

Edwilde Yoplac Castromonte, National University of Engineering

University Professor in the area of Extractive and Environmental Metallurgy. Researcher in the area of Extractive and Environmental Metallurgy. Professionally he worked as a metallurgist, becoming Manager of the Research Department in the Area of Extractive Metallurgy at Banco Minero del Perú and as head of the Metallurgical Research Department of SGS del Perú; currently he works as a consultant in the area of Extractive Metallurgy in several mining companies and PhD student in Engineering and Environmental Sciences at the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Master of Science in Metallurgical Engineering from Universidad de Concepción, Chile. Metallurgical Engineer graduated from Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería.

Orfelinda Avalo Cortez, National University of Engineering

Research Professor at the National University of Engineering, Faculty of Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, in the Professional School of Metallurgical Engineering. 07 years of experience as Head of Laboratory and Leader of the Research Group “Nanomaterials and Metallurgy” registered in the DANI from 2016 to date and responsible for the implementation of this research laboratory. Academic background as Bachelor and Professional Degree in Metallurgical Engineering at the National University of Engineering. Doctor and Master Degree in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, obtained at the Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, PUC-Rio, Brazil.

David Pedro Martínez Aguilar, National University of Engineering

Researcher in Metallurgical Engineering at the Faculty of Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Engineering of the Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, in the area of extractive metallurgy and nanomaterials. Master of Science with mention in Metallurgical Engineering at the Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Undergraduate professor in the courses of Ceramics, Mineral and Materials Processing. Postgraduate professor in the Master's Degree in Metallurgical Engineering, teaching courses on Biometallurgy.

Julio Uza Teruya, National University of Engineering

Master of Science in Metallurgical Engineering from Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Metallurgical engineer, he worked in projects of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and environmental adequacy and management program (MAPAS) for Centromin, Cerro de Pasco, Mhar Tunel and Minsur mines; and in the environmental supervision of Minsur and Andaychahua mines. He is currently a professor of environmental specialization courses at the Pontificia Universidad Católica and a senior lecturer and Director of Research at the Metallurgical School of the School of Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Engineering of the Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería del Perú.

Kevin Javier Sierra Redhead, National University of Engineering

Bachelor's degree in Metallurgical Engineering from the National University of Engineering, belonging to the top third. Specialized in mineral processing, metallurgical testing and metallurgical plant design. Leadership and teamwork skills demonstrated by leading several international plant design competitions where he obtained finalist positions, both in the United States and Peru.


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How to Cite

Yoplac Castromonte, E., Avalo Cortez, O., Martínez Aguilar, D. P., Uza Teruya, J., & Sierra Redhead, K. J. (2024). Application of the Circular Economy in the Mining Metallurgical Industry for the Recovery of Gold and the Production of Bricks from Tailings. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–20.



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