The determining factors of the degree of social impact of media communication in crisis or disaster situations




Communication, Crisis, Catastrophe, Power, Effects, Media coverage, Perception


Introduction: Starting from the idea that the media communication process initiated in the wake of a critical situation constitutes a determining factor in the state of the existing social, political, and institutional context surrounding its management, various studies conducted in recent years on this topic, such as the Prestige oil spill, the 11-M attacks, the 15-M movement in Madrid, or environmental risks, confirm the existence of different communicative models. These models are identified through trace elements that indicate varying degrees of power and effects achieved by media messages on the recipient population. Methodology: A qualitative methodology has been employed, based on conducting discussion groups and open interviews, as well as content analysis of media messages. Results: The primary role played by the media in risk situations has been confirmed, to the point of determining the existing social perception regarding their political and institutional management. Conclusions: The existence of a global effect of the media is proposed, which would impact the attitude and judgment, behavior, and cognition of the affected population.



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Author Biography

Ariadna Rodríguez Teijeiro, Universidade da Coruña

Professor of Sociology at the University of A Coruña and researcher at the Laboratory of Sociopolitical Analysis and Prospective of this university since 2002, she researches in Qualitative Social Research, Media Communication and Risk Management. She has published in several research projects at national and regional level, specialising in topics such as perception, management and communication in crisis or disaster situations. His work includes the monograph El prestigio como hiperrealidad mediática. Poderes y efectos de los medios en la construcción de la realidad social (Universidade da Coruña, 2010) or in collective works such as ‘Promesas rotas: los determinantes sociales del rendimiento escolar’ (Tecnos, 2012).


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Teijeiro, A. (2024). The determining factors of the degree of social impact of media communication in crisis or disaster situations. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–15.

