Trends and development of sustainability and corporate social responsibility in events organized by companies in the MERCO ranking after the COVID 19 pandemic




responsible events, inclusive events, public relations, responsible companies, Corporate Social Responsibility, MERCO Ranking, COVID-19, sustainable events


Introduction: This research seeks to determine if there has been an evolution in the implementation of sustainable events by the most responsible organizations in Spain. Methodology: The methodology used is quantitative and comparative, based on the content analysis of the non-financial information and diversity reports published on the websites of these companies. Results: The results show an increase in the use of sustainability criteria in holding events, by the most responsible companies, after the COVID-19 pandemic. Discussions: This analysis provides a different perspective to the field of sustainable events. This is a starting point to observe how companies, which are showing more interest in corporate social responsibility, include sustainability in the organization and execution of their events. Conclusions: As a conclusion of the study, we can determine that sustainability is gaining more and more importance in the development of events. The most responsible organizations in Spain have been integrating sustainability criteria into their activities for years through various standards and regulations. This fact means that they are incorporating sustainability into all the actions they carry out, including events.


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Author Biographies

Salvador Hernández Martínez, Saint Anthony Catholic University

PhD in Communication, specialized in Public Relations and Protocol. Professor of Strategic Public Relations, Production and Organization of Events and Advertising and Public Relations. Director of the School of Protocol and Institutional Relations of the Catholic University San Antonio of Murcia and of the Official Master's Degree in Protocol and Image Consulting (from October 2005 to the present).

David Sánchez-Hervás, Saint Anthony Catholic University

Degree in Journalism, with a specialization in institutional and business communication, and an Official Master's Degree in Communication Management. FPU scholarship (university teacher training) of the UCAM's own research plan (2013-2017). Doctor Cum Laude in Communication (Thesis on reputation and CSR in the university environment). Researcher within the research group “Advertising and Public Relations, redefinitions, audiences and media” of the UCAM. The main lines of research are communication management in organizations, reputation and CSR.


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How to Cite

Hernández Martínez, S., & Sánchez-Hervás, D. (2024). Trends and development of sustainability and corporate social responsibility in events organized by companies in the MERCO ranking after the COVID 19 pandemic. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–17.

