Pedagogical proposal for the development of STEAM and sustainability competences in pre-school children




enquiry-based learning; outdoor education; 5E model; STEAM competences; sustainability competences; holistic learning; pre-school; interdisciplinarity


Introduction: Recent research in the field of child development has highlighted the importance of early educational experiences and how they can influence children's brain development. These experiences should meet children's needs, taking advantage of the capacity and plasticity of their brains during the early childhood education stage, being varied, rich and awakening their individual interests. The objective was to analyse the impact of a didactic proposal that brings together inquiry-based learning, outdoor education and the 5E model for the development of STEAM skills and sustainability skills during this stage. Methodology: using a mixed research methodology, data were collected on children's learning in a convenience sample and on their teachers' opinions about this type of teaching practice. Results: the results of this intervention revealed significant progress in the development of STEAM and sustainability skills, as well as agreement among teachers on the value of this approach to promote holistic learning. Discussion: the activities implemented offered a journey through the affective, cognitive and metacognitive dimensions, providing essential tools for self-regulation and autonomous management of future learning. Conclusions: it can be affirmed that the inclusion of these interdisciplinary work strategies and in diverse environments have represented successful teaching practices in this context.


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Author Biographies

Mónica Fernández Morilla, International University of Catalonia

Professor Mónica Fernández Morilla has a PhD in Biology and is an expert in Environmental Education and Education for Sustainability. Since 2011 she works as a teacher and researcher at the Faculty of Education Sciences of the Universitat International de Catalunya (UIC-Barcelona, Spain) and is a member of the consolidated research group recognized by the Generalitat de Catalunya called “Sustainability and Integral Education”. In 2014 she assumed the position of Vice-Dean of Research of the said Faculty and since 2021 she is the director of the PhD Program in Communication, Education and Humanities at UIC-Barcelona.

Núria Redondo Lorente, International University of Catalonia

Núria Redondo Lorente has a degree in Early Childhood Education and is currently pursuing a degree in Primary Education at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. Since 2018 she has been working at the Artistic Skating Club of Sant Celoni (Barcelona, Spain) as a monitor for children aged 4-16 years old. She also has high experience as a sports and dance instructor, as well as in the organization of sports campuses for children at Escola Torre Roja, St. Pere de Vilamajor (Barcelona).


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How to Cite

Fernández Morilla, M., & Redondo Lorente, N. (2024). Pedagogical proposal for the development of STEAM and sustainability competences in pre-school children. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–17.




Funding data

  • Erasmus+
    Grant numbers El presente texto nace en el marco de un proyecto Erasmus+ Key Action: “Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices”. KA203 - Strategic Partnership for higher education. Kids Lab For Sustainability.