Stylistic principles of the Sixteenth-century mexican architecture




Architecture, Sixteenth century, Mexico, Central Valley, Conventual Architecture, Treatises, Vignola, Proto-Renaissance


Introduction: What is currently known as Mexico City in the Mexican Republic, was known as the Valley of Mexico in the first century of the viceroyalty of New Spain, constituted by the areas conquered through treaties, alliances and marriages between the first conquerors and the indigenous nobility. Methodology: Based on architecture scholars such as Manuel Toussaint, Georges Kubler, Estrada Estrada and Santiago Sebastián, We are concerned with showing how the philosophical climate - upon the arrival of the Spaniards - was a product of scholastic thought that highlighted the symbolic value of the work of art, rather than aesthetic. Results: The canons issued by the Council of Trent defined the emphasis on the didactic and theological function of architecture, for which several biblical paradigms were used. Discussion: The basis of these builders were the treatise writers: Vitruvius, Alberti, Serlius and Vignola imported to America from Seville. As an example, we will point out some of the conventual monuments characteristic of the proto-Renaissance that had been inspired, for its decorative samples, by the ornamental style of anti-classical character that had existed since Greco-Latin antiquity. Conclusions: In this space a conventual architecture emerged that was the antecedent of all viceregal architecture.


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Author Biography

Laura Gemma Flores García, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas "Francisco García Salinas"

BA, MA and PhD in History; MA in Architecture with specialisation in Restoration of Sites and Monuments from the University of Guanajuato. Master in Art Appraisal (Apostille of The Hague), Grupo Esneca Formación, Madrid, Spain. She has a postdoctoral stay at the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium and research stays at the Nettie Lee Benson in Austin, Tx, the University of Berkeley Ca., the Biblioteque Royal de Belgique, the Societe des Bollandistes in Brussels. She was a visiting professor at the University of Valencia. She held the ‘Miguel León Portilla Chair of Mexican Studies’ at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. She made three academic stays at the University of Almeria, Spain. National Researcher of Mexico from 1997 to date.


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How to Cite

Flores García, L. G. (2024). Stylistic principles of the Sixteenth-century mexican architecture. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–15.

