Screen tourism and its relationship with cultural references in the fiction series Emily in Paris, season 1 (Netflix, 2020)




audiovisual, cultural references, fiction series, heritage, identity, locations, narration, tourism


Introduction: The relationship between tourism and cinema (induced tourism or screen tourism) has been extensively studied since Riley and Van Doren linked the two industries in 1992 and predicted their positive impact on the economy. One of the resources that can reinforce the ties between screen and tourism, yet to be fully addressed in screen tourism studies, is that of "cultural references," directly related to "cultural affinity." The aim of this research is to reflect on the use of this component in the plot of an audiovisual fiction as a factor to bring the distinctive features of a community closer to the viewer, thereby generating greater interest that could lead to a tourist visit to the depicted location. Methodology: An analysis sheet is developed to identify cultural references in the first season of the series Emily in Paris. Results: The information is presented on four levels: narratological, iconic, psychoanalytic, and experiential. Discussions: It is confirmed that Emily in Paris is a paradigm in the construction of narration through cultural references. Conclusions: The inclusion of cultural references in a series, used as a strategy to promote tourism, can only be effective if the plot is contemporary to the viewer and if the mentioned locations are real.


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Author Biographies

Josefina Sánchez-Martínez, Universidad Católica de Murcia

Director of the DIGITALAC Research Group from 2006 to the present. She has participated in ten regional projects and three R&D&i projects under the National Plan. Her research has focused on the relationship between culture and communication from various perspectives: Communication and Regional Audiovisual Policy (local television); Cultural Economy (cultural industries); Textual Analysis (narrative treatment); Transmedia Narrative (structure and discourse); and Audio Description and Cultural Adaptation (audiovisual accessibility). She has conducted research stays at several European universities. She is a professor of Audiovisual Narrative; Aesthetics and Fiction; and Audiovisual Dubbing at the Faculty of Communication at the Catholic University of Murcia, and a promoter of educational innovation projects related to transmedia storytelling.

Isabel Sarabia-And´úgar, Catholic University of Murcia

She has been a lecturer and researcher at the Catholic University of Murcia since 1997 and a member of the DIGITALAC Research Group, created in 2006. She has participated in various regional projects and in three R&D&i projects under the National Plan. Her research activity has focused on local communication, as well as on the implementation of DTT (Digital Terrestrial Television) in Spain, particularly in the Region of Murcia; the policies of national and regional administrations in matters of television, and the attraction of film productions to the territory. She has conducted research stays at several European and African universities. Her teaching revolves around subjects such as the Structure of Communication Industries, Ethics and Legislation, and the linkage between Communication and Tourism Industries.


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How to Cite

Sánchez-Martínez, J., & Sarabia-And´úgar, I. (2025). Screen tourism and its relationship with cultural references in the fiction series Emily in Paris, season 1 (Netflix, 2020). European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–23.



Humanism and Social Sciences