Project-based learning and its combination with kahoot as a gamified strategy in the university environment




project-based learning, gamification, kahoot, higher education, social work, social education, investigation, competence


Introduction: Higher education is witnessing the increase in emerging pedagogical methodologies, whose innovative nature gives prominence to students and technologies. Among these is Project Based Learning and gamification. Methodology: Cross-sectional descriptive observational study, whose sample represents N=303 individuals. Results: The entire sample participated (100% response rate). 87,4% of the total are women. The average age of the sample is 21,5 years. 69,9% of the students are enrolled in the University Degree in Social Work, and 43,5% are enrolled at the Complutense University of Madrid. 57,7% of the participants claim to have good knowledge about the Project Based Learning technique. Discussion: Project Based Learning and gamification have proven effective. Various studies declare that its use promotes autonomy and skills in university students, who are very familiar with technologies and digitalization. Conclusions: From this study it is deduced that university students of Social Work and Social Education present a notable openness to new teaching techniques and methodologies. This considers that Project Based Learning presents commitment, allowing the acquisition of research skills.


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Author Biography

José Manuel Jiménez Rodríguez, University of Granada

PhD in Social Sciences; Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology; Diploma in Social Work; University Master's Degree in Social Problems: Management of Social Programmes; University Master's Degree in Immigration Law; University Expert in Immigrant Counselling in Spain and the European Union, qualifications issued by the University of Granada (Spain). University expert in health promotion in health, educational and social contexts; University expert in bioethics; University expert in gender and health, qualifications awarded by the Andalusian School of Public Health (Spain). President of the Scientific Association for Environmental Research, Public Health and Community Participation (ACIMESP). Member of EPICAS. Research Group on Clinical, Environmental Epidemiology and Social Transformation of the University of Huelva (Code CTS-997).


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How to Cite

Jiménez Rodríguez, J. M. (2025). Project-based learning and its combination with kahoot as a gamified strategy in the university environment. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–13.




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