Play and its role in lexical learning in foreign language teaching




lexical competence, teaching, vocabulary, methodology, games, learning, foreign language, french


Introduction: The study, carried out with students in the 4th year of the Degree in Primary Education, mention in French, in the subject of Practicum II, seeks to determine how the use of games influences the acquisition of vocabulary in French. The objectives include increasing active vocabulary, improving contextual comprehension, encouraging linguistic production and teaching autonomous learning strategies. Methodology: Based on Brumont and Boisseau, four essential principles for teaching vocabulary are analyzed: prioritizing verbs, integrating the study of syntax with vocabulary, starting with words and not with objects, and using simple words already known to the students. Results: Various games that have facilitated lexical learning in the classroom are mentioned. Discussions: The use of games in French as a foreign language classes is examined, which not only promote lexical learning and use, but also motivate students in learning French. Conclusions: We will conclude with the details of the beneficial results offered by the game in the French as a foreign language classroom in elementary education, since it promotes teamwork, participation and a real communication is established and with an attractive content for the student.


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Author Biography

Concepción Porras Pérez, University of Granada

Acting substitute teacher in the Department of Language and Literature Didactics in the Faculty of Education Sciences at the University of Granada since 2018. I teach French subjects in the Early Childhood Education Degree and, mainly, in the French speciality of the Primary Education Degree. At the same time, I am researching my doctoral thesis which focuses on the analysis of French as a foreign language textbooks used in Spain, with a particular focus on gender issues.


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How to Cite

Porras Pérez, C. (2025). Play and its role in lexical learning in foreign language teaching. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–17.


