Port, rail, storage, and land and air transportation of cargo and pipelines have an economic impact in Panamá





containers, infrastructure, multimodal, oil pipeline, port, railway, system, transport


Introduction: The multimodal system is composed of a diverse set of infrastructure, equipment and machinery, aimed at satisfying cargo handling, storage and transshipment operations. Methodology: The 2019 and 2020 Input-Output Tables are required, whose dimension is 45X45 prepared from the Supply and Use Tables published by the National Institute of Statistics and Census (NISC), on February 8, 2023, and whose name is "Panama's System of National Accounts, new preliminary series with reference year 2018: Years 2018-21". At the same time, the data from the Non-Financial Business Surveys (NFBS) for 2019 presented by INEC on June 6, 2022, and NFBS for 2020 published on June 13, 2022, are used. Results: point to exceeding 4% in production, while in GVA there is a range between 2.6% and 3%; for its part, in jobs, this conglomerate produces between 43 and 59 thousand in the years analyzed. Discussion: The importance of the multimodal system in the Panamanian economy is confirmed as it is part of the comparative advantage of the service platform. Conclusion: It is concluded that this group of services has a relevant economic weight.


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Author Biography

Reyes Arturo Valverde Batista, Universidad de Panamá

Economic researcher and Professor at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Panama, with a PhD in Economics and Business obtained at the Autonomous University of Madrid. The works are related to the analysis of the Panamanian economy at the structural and sectoral level, including aspects of gender, the agricultural economy, the labour market, the analysis of GDP and its financing, as well as environmental and regional economics, among other areas of economics that have served to guide other researchers in other disciplines. I have published in Asia, Africa, Europe, the United States and Panama, including ‘Structural economics and its interpretation in the face of global changes’, ‘Vulnerability, marginalisation and precariousness in the rural environment of Panama’.


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How to Cite

Valverde Batista, R. A. (2025). Port, rail, storage, and land and air transportation of cargo and pipelines have an economic impact in Panamá. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–16. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2025-1124



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