Analysis of the impact of an educational program on attitudes towards ageism in older adults




older adults, stereotype, prejudices, ageism, discrimination, aging, old age, beliefs


Introduction: Ageism refers to stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination towards older adults due to their chronological age. This study aims to analyse the influence of educational programmes as modulating variables of ageism in this group. Methodology: A discussion group was created between older adults and young people, which gave rise to the Senectus Programme. To evaluate its effectiveness, a questionnaire was administered in the form of a pre-test and post-test. Results: The results show that training activities on stereotypes related to older age have a positive impact on the reduction of ageism. Furthermore, sociodemographic factors do not appear as predictors of ageism in this research. Discussion: The study demonstrates that educational interventions can influence the social perception of older adults, reducing negative stereotypes towards this group. Conclusions: The Senectus programme was effective in reducing ageism, and it is concluded that socio-demographic factors are not determinants in the perpetuation of ageism in this context.


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Author Biography

Beatriz Sáez-Pascual, University of Burgos

She has a degree in social education and a master's degree in ‘Inclusive education and society’ from the University of Burgos. Since 2022 at the same university she is studying for her PhD in the PhD programme in education, where she is researching on attitudes, prejudice, modern racism and emotions towards immigrants and life satisfaction of immigrants. In parallel to her academic activity, Beatriz has been working as a social educator in a home for unaccompanied foreign minors for 6 years. She has participated in many conferences, seminars and symposiums since she started as a doctoral student.


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How to Cite

Sáez-Pascual, B. (2025). Analysis of the impact of an educational program on attitudes towards ageism in older adults. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–15.



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