Gender mainstreaming in Latin American higher education: a systematic review




gender mainstreaming, higher education, Latin America, institutionalization, university, equality, equity, educational policies


Introduction: After several decades of demand for gender mainstreaming in higher education, it has become a strategy of growing interest in the actions of various international organizations. More recently, some Latin American Higher Education Institutions have declared their intention to align themselves with this international will. However, this has not been a homogeneous process and the processes of real and effective implementation of mainstreaming are not precisely known. The purpose of this research is to identify such processes through the review of recent studies. Methodology: It has been conducted a systematic review following the parameters of the PRISMA 2020 Declaration and analyzed journal articles published in Spanish, English and Portuguese between 2020 and 2024 and extracted from Scopus, WoS, ERIC, Dialnet and SciELO. Results: A variety of approaches and definitions of mainstreaming in Latin American higher education and numerous advances, obstacles and implementation challenges are identified. Conclusions: It demonstrates the ongoing need to consolidate mainstreaming in order to eradicate inequalities and promote greater equity, by facing challenges in the areas of scarce economic and human resources and the limitations of measurement and impact of gender policies.


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Author Biographies

Belén García-Cabeza, Universidade da Coruña

PhD in Education, DEA in Didactics and School Organization, graduate in Psychopedagogy, teacher (Spain) and Specialist in University Teaching (Colombia). Virtual and in-person university professor in undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the areas of Education, Psychopedagogy and Qualitative Research Methods. Expert researcher in coeducation, gender identities, qualitative data analysis and curriculum studies. She has experience in the creation and review processes of Qualified Registry programs and support in updating institutional policies, as well as in projects (design, field work and development of reports) on gender, education and migration.

Jaime A. García-Serna, University of Cundinamarca

PhD in Education, DEA in Didactics and School Organization, sociologist (Spain) and graduate in Social Sciences (Colombia). Virtual and in-person university professor in undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the areas of Education, Sociology and Qualitative Research Methods. Non-university professor in Philosophy and Social Sciences. Expert researcher in the design and development of qualitative methodological strategies, discourse analysis and political identities. He has experience in the creation and review processes of Qualified Registration programs, in the preparation of master documents, support in updating institutional policies and strategic plans, as well as in quality processes in higher education.


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How to Cite

García-Cabeza, B., & García-Serna, J. A. (2024). Gender mainstreaming in Latin American higher education: a systematic review . European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–19.

