Innovation from digital transformation in PYMEs




digital transformation, innovation, organization, competitive value, change process, digital technologies, PYMEs, competitive advantage


Introduction: This partial report is derived from the doctoral research “Digital Transformation as a Tool for Innovation in a Technological Security Organization,” conducted at the Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Faculty of Accounting and Administration. Objective: To evaluate the impact of digital transformation on organizations, particularly in a company that offers digital security services. Methodology: The research was quantitative; through a case study, a company with 54 technical collaborators was selected. Quantitative information was collected and evaluated, obtained through a survey. Results: 78% of the collaborators agree with the incorporation of digital technology; 68% agree on the improvement of process efficiency. Conclusions: It was identified that the digital transformation process becomes a complex social and technological phenomenon since the update itself does not guarantee competitive value to the services or products offered by the company; however, consistent implementation, where collaborators are adequately considered and trained, ensures a better transition and in a short time adds competitive value to the company.


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Author Biography

Maria Isaura Morales Pulido, Autonomous University of Queretaro

D. student in Administration, Master in Business Administration from the Autonomous University of Querétaro, Specialist in Information Technologies for Learning from CIIDET. Lecturer at the Faculty of Accounting and Administration, I have made several publications in national and international academic journals, among which are: Assertive organisational communication in the performance of a Higher Education Institution, Digital transformation as a tool for innovation in a technological security SME, Analysis of teacher training for well-being and job satisfaction in higher education, among others. I collaborated as a technical reviewer of the book ‘Fundamentos de ingeniería económica’ by Héctor Manuel Vidaurri Aguirre, CENGAGE publishing house. I currently work as a teacher in the Faculty of Accounting and Administration of the UAQ.


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How to Cite

Morales Pulido, M. I. (2025). Innovation from digital transformation in PYMEs. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–15.


