Fundamentals of inclusive socio-educational care for students with disabilities in the first cycle of Early Childhood Education. A case study




socio-educational inclusion, disabilities, Early Childhood Education, first cycle, family-school relationships, early childhood education center, educational quality, case study


Introduction: Regarding the first cycle of Early Childhood Education (0-3 years), few studies have examined how to provide inclusive socio-educational care to students with disabilities in Spain. Methodology: Given these bibliographic limitations, the following questions have guided this work: What is inclusive socio-educational care in the first cycle of Early Childhood Education? and How is inclusive socio-educational care provided to students with disabilities during the first cycle classroom? The early childhood education center, Fernando de Magallanes in Sanlucar de Barrameda (Cadiz, Spain) educates seventy-four children, of which twenty-two suffer from some sort of disability. This work is part of a budding case study being conducted on this school, with the objective of providing a specific and contextualized response to the two previous questions. Results: The results suggest that inclusive socio-educational care is supported by five interconnected lines: 1. The purpose of Early Childhood Education as a starting point; 2. Incorporating inclusion in the educational project; 3. The school-family collaboration and communication relationships; 4. Ongoing training of the center's professionals; and 5. Human and material resources and school facilities.


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Author Biography

Aurora María Ruiz-Bejarano, University of Cádiz

Assistant Professor in the Department of Didactics at the University of Cadiz and is part of the research group Analysis of exclusion and socio-educational opportunities (HUM-936). She is a member of the Network of Universities and Inclusive Education and of the editorial team of the journal Aula de Encuentro. She has participated in research projects in competitive regional and national calls. She has published in journals and publishers of impact and has presented the results of her work at national and international conferences. Her most recent lines of research are: disabilities and inclusion, especially in the first cycle of Early Childhood Education; teaching innovation and university social commitment and didactics and educational innovation in Early Childhood Education.


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How to Cite

Ruiz-Bejarano, A. M. (2024). Fundamentals of inclusive socio-educational care for students with disabilities in the first cycle of Early Childhood Education. A case study. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–21.

