Feminism or passionate love? Frida Kahlo’s emotional life through her letters





Frida Kahlo, Emotions, Mexico, Feminism, Private correspondence, Diego Rivera, Letters, Passionate love


Introduction: Mexican by birth, Frida Kahlo has become an icon of the feminist movement internationally, and her figure has been studied from different prisms. Within this framework, the present work raises the following question: can this feminist character be studied through the analysis of emotions, such as her passionate loves? Methodology: This research makes use of the analysis of Frida Kahlo's private correspondence, examining in it the concept of passionate love, and with the intention of studying the Mexican artist from a new point of view. Results: After a brief bibliographical review of the author, the letters that Kahlo addressed to three of the most influential men in her life have been analyzed: Alejandro Gómez Arias, a companion during her adolescence; her husband Diego Rivera, with whom she married twice; and the photographer Nickolas Muray, with whom she maintained a relationship in parallel to her marriage to Rivera. Conclusions: It has become clear that, despite the more passionate and irrational side that Kahlo presents in her correspondence, that vision does not come to contradict or overpower her image as a feminist and empowering icon.


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Author Biography

María Nieves Verdugo Álvez, University of Huelva

Degree in History; Official Master's Degree in Gender, Identity and Citizenship; Official Master's Degree in Historical Analysis of the Modern World, University of Huelva. Enrolled in the PhD programme at the University of Santiago de Compostela, where she is working on her doctoral thesis. She is a temporary lecturer in the area of Contemporary History in the Department of History, Geography and Anthropology at the University of Huelva. She has participated in international conferences, symposiums and history conferences related to Spain-America relations. She has published book chapters and articles related to the line of research on cultural relations between Spain and America.


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How to Cite

Verdugo Álvez, M. N. (2025). Feminism or passionate love? Frida Kahlo’s emotional life through her letters. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–12. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2025-1169



Humanism and Social Sciences