Socioemotional Factors and University Dropout. Correlational analysis in dropout groups in the years 2021 and 2022




School dropout, Socio-emotional, Higher education, Students, emotional intelligence, University dropout, Socio-emotional factor, Mentor students


Introduction: School dropout among university students constitutes a considerable challenge for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), affecting both students and the institutions themselves. In this context, the present study aims to analyze the influence of socio-emotional factors on the dropout of Higher Education students, focusing on the 2021-2022 period. Two main hypotheses were established: H1, which posits a direct influence of socio-emotional factors on university dropout, and H2, which suggests a significant relationship between university dropout caused by these factors and students' levels of emotional intelligence. The research focuses on Ecuadorian universities, including both state and self-financed institutions, and covers undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Methodology: A field study methodology with a mixed, cross-sectional, descriptive, correlational, and propositional design was employed. The sample consisted of 377 cases selected from various university institutions. To collect data, a structured interview was applied to the entire sample, while 48 participants were evaluated with a specific test to measure their emotional intelligence levels. Results: The results revealed that there are socio-emotional factors associated with university student dropout, with illness being a prominent factor, among others that affect students’ persistence in institutions. Furthermore, a statistically significant correlation was found between students' levels of emotional intelligence and their likelihood of dropping out, supporting the hypothesis regarding the relationship between emotional intelligence and socio-emotional factors. Discussion: The study's findings suggest that socio-emotional factors play a crucial role in the decision to abandon university studies. In particular, emotional intelligence emerges as a relevant factor that could help students cope with the emotional and social challenges associated with university life. These results highlight the need to implement support programs that foster emotional intelligence within the university environment, especially for students who present socio-emotional vulnerabilities. Conclusions: In conclusion, socio-emotional factors are determinants in university dropout, and emotional intelligence acts as a significant modulator of this issue. Universities should consider these findings to develop retention policies that include strengthening students' socio-emotional skills, thereby helping to reduce dropout rates and improve student well-being.


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Author Biographies

Maricela Vega Velásquez, Universidad Tecnológica Empresarial de Guayaquil

Psychologist, Psychotherapist. Master in Psychology. Master in Neuropsychology. Specialist in Telepsychology. Expert in Virtual Education. PhD. (c) in Education.
University professor at undergraduate and graduate levels; academic coordinator; member of final degree and master's thesis tribunals; director of degree theses; external peer reviewer in scientific journals; lecturer in mental health; psychotherapist in private practice.

Marisela Giraldo de López, Universidad Tecnológica Empresarial de Guayaquil

Industrial Engineer. Master in Business Administration. Specialist in Higher Education. PhD in Social Sciences. Coordinator of the Group: Management and Business. Postgraduate Professor in the Master of Education and Business Administration, Doctorate in Industrial Engineering and in the Doctorate in Administrative and Managerial Sciences FACES-UC. Dr. Giraldo received the Researcher Promotion Program Award (PPI) and the Researcher Stimulus Program Award (PEI) in Venezuela. Her research is framed within the research lines of Corporate Social Responsibility, Organizational Culture and Education, society and educational technologies. She is the author of several Scopus scientific articles. She has been a speaker at national and international conferences. She is currently the academic coordinator of the Master's Degree in Education at UTEG.

Xiomara Bastardo Contreras, Universidad Tecnológica Empresarial de Guayaquil

Agricultural Engineer from Universidad Central de Venezuela. Diploma in Research Methodology. She obtained a Doctorate in Education with a specialization in Pedagogical Mediation from Universidad de la Salle, Costa Rica in 2011. Currently, she is the Academic Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Education with mention in Pedagogy at the Universidad Tecnológica Empresarial de Guayaquil. As a teacher, author and tutor of high level professional scientific articles and degree projects, she has also designed and executed training workshops to update teachers in the area of didactic strategies. As part of the research line Education, Society and Educational Technologies UTEG, she participates in the research project Development of competencies in the Digital educational environment.


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How to Cite

Vega Velásquez, M., Giraldo de López, M., & Bastardo Contreras, X. (2024). Socioemotional Factors and University Dropout. Correlational analysis in dropout groups in the years 2021 and 2022. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–15.



Humanism and Social Sciences