Disabilities, inclusion and evaluation during the first cycle of Early Childhood Education. Ensuring quality in socio-educational praxis





inclusive education, disabilities, Early childhood education, first cycle, evaluation, early childhood education center, educational quality, case studies


Introduction: Evaluation in Early Childhood Education is conceptualized as a systematic process, oriented towards educational quality and the improvement of the teaching-learning process. According to this understanding of evaluation, the following question guides this work: How does evaluation during the first cycle of Early Childhood Education favor inclusive educational attention to students with disabilities? Methodology: The CEI Fernando de Magallanes (Sanlucar de Barrameda, Cadiz, Spain) educates children with and without disabilities from the age of four months to three years. This work considers part of a case study conducted since 2023, which focuses on means of understanding evaluation for inclusive educational attention in its classrooms. The main source of information came from the filming of a talk-colloquium offered by the school to students from the early childhood education degree program at the University of Cadiz. Likewise, semi-structured interviews and systematic observation were used. Results: The study found the existence of a multi-form understanding of evaluation based on three main pillars: 1. Diversity of moments and evaluation times; 2. Heterogeneity of evaluative strategies; and 3. Plurality of individuals involved in the evaluation.


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Author Biography

Aurora María Ruiz-Bejarano, University of Cádiz

Assistant Professor in the Department of Didactics at the University of Cadiz and is part of the research group Analysis of exclusion and socio-educational opportunities (HUM-936). She is a member of the Network of Universities and Inclusive Education and of the editorial team of the journal Aula de Encuentro. She has participated in research projects in competitive regional and national calls. She has published in journals and publishers of impact and has presented the results of her work at national and international conferences. Her most recent lines of research are: disabilities and inclusion, especially in the first cycle of Early Childhood Education; teaching innovation and university social commitment and didactics and educational innovation in Early Childhood Education.


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How to Cite

Ruiz-Bejarano, A. M. (2025). Disabilities, inclusion and evaluation during the first cycle of Early Childhood Education. Ensuring quality in socio-educational praxis. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–19. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2025-1176



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