Physicochemical evaluation of a mixture of breakfast cereals obtained by expansion




breakfast cereal, expansion, cereal mixture, physicochemical characterization, rice, wheat, oats, antioxidant capacity


Introduction: Expansion is the most important characteristic for puffed cereals, which depends on several factors, the most important being; the composition in terms of its nutritional content and the nature of the process. Methodology: The loading conditions, vapor pressure and final pressure throughout the process were defined for each cereal, finding better results for the responses of yield, density , expansion index and antioxidant capacity. Results and Discussions: The pressure variables used in the design for individual expansion do present a significant effect in terms of yield (89%) and density, being greater in wheat (1,29 g/ L). Unexpanded and expanded cereals, present significant physical and chemical differences, due to the high temperature and pressure treatment to which they were subjected, with higher values in rice (0,95). The expanding process decrease in protein and fat was found, while the carbohydrate content increased. The antioxidant capacity resulted in a significant difference before and after expansion in each cereal, losing between 70 and 85% of its antioxidant capacity. Conclusion: The expansion conditions, through the cannon inflation technique under the established process conditions, were the most appropriate to achieve the desired formulation (50% wheat, 25% oats and 25% rice).


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Author Biographies

Tomás Galicia García, Autonomous University of Chihuahua

He studied for his PhD in Science at the Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados of the Instituto Politécnico Nacional, and is currently a Full Professor C. He has a Desirable Profile from the Ministry of Public Education and belongs to the National System of Researchers. He has participated in different research projects highlighting topics related to the development of wall materials for obtaining microcapsules, development of edible coatings and films, development of 2nd generation (directly expanded) and 3rd generation (laminated-expanded) healthy snacks, development of gluten-free products (snacks, pasta, bread, biscuits), isolation and modification of starch.

Laura Flick Tinoco, Autonomous University of Chihuahua

She studied her Master's degree in Food Science and Technology at the Faculty of Chemical Sciences of the Autonomous University of Chihuahua. The present work is part of her thesis entitled: “Elaboración y caracterización de un cereal para desayuno con base en un mezcla de trigo, arroz y avena expandidos”

Iván Alziri Estrada Moreno, Centro de Investigación en Materiales Avanzados

He did his PhD studies in Materials Science at CIMAV-Chihuahua, and is currently a research professor at this institution. He belongs to the National System of Researchers. He has participated in different research projects, highlighting: the characterisation of materials and the development of biosensors.

Yarely Leal Ramos, Autonomous University of Chihuahua

He completed his doctoral studies in Philosophy with a specialisation in Food at the Autonomous University of Chihuahua, and is currently a Full Professor C. He has a Desirable Profile from the Ministry of Public Education and belongs to the National System of Researchers. He has participated in different research projects, with special emphasis on conventional and alternative technologies for food processing and the chemistry and biochemistry of foods of animal origin.

Beatriz Portillo Arroyo, Autonomous University of Chihuahua

He studied his master's degree in Nutrition at the University of Durango, and currently works as an academic and has a desirable profile from the Ministry of Public Education. He has participated in different research projects highlighting the topics of clinical chemistry and human nutrition.

Cesar Soto Figueroa, Autonomous University of Chihuahua

He completed his doctoral studies in Materials Science at the Universidad Autónoma de México, currently serves as a Full Professor C, has a desirable profile of the Ministry of Public Education and belongs to the National System of Researchers. He has participated in different research projects in chemistry and molecular modelling.


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How to Cite

Galicia García, T., Flick Tinoco, L., Estrada Moreno, I. A., Leal Ramos, Y., Portillo Arroyo, B., & Soto Figueroa, C. (2025). Physicochemical evaluation of a mixture of breakfast cereals obtained by expansion. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–13.



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