The Spanish media coverage of the 2009 Greek economic crisis




greek crisis, eurozone, spanish media, spanish press, critical discourse analysis, corpus linguistics, economic discourse, media coverage


Introduction: the eurozone crisis of 2009, marked by a sovereign debt and banking system crisis with Greece at its epicentre, generated a great deal of media interest in Europe, particularly in Spain, where parallels were drawn with the Greek situation. Methodology: this study analyses the media coverage of the Greek crisis in four Spanish newspapers (El País, El Mundo, Cinco Días and Expansión) using a corpus of 7 million words and the theories of critical discourse analysis. Results: the general-interest newspapers covered the crisis from economic, political and social angles, which explains their wider coverage. Discussion: the temporal distribution reveals two key moments, the first in 2011, following the first rescue programme, and the second in 2015, during the Greek elections and the launch of the third rescue plan. Conclusion: the Spanish press has used the Greek crisis as a prism to analyse and reflect on its own economic and political vulnerabilities, revealing implicit comparisons with Spain’s internal challenges.


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Author Biography

Ismael Ramos Ruiz, Université Paris Cité

Full Professor (MCF) of Spanish Linguistics and Translation at the Université Paris Cité. He obtained his doctorate in translation and interpreting at the University of Granada (Spain), where he was also a teacher-researcher. He is a member of the CLILLAC-ARP (3967, Université Paris Cité -France-) and FENIX (SEJ596, University of Seville -Spain-) research groups. His research focuses on the analysis of economic discourse, metaphor and the didactics of Spanish as a foreign language. He has participated in several research, international cooperation and pedagogical innovation projects, being principal investigator of three of them: RemedLang [Idex/EK/RR 2020-291], HibrIAction [StratEx-IdEx-2023-053] and EcoMeta [PPJI_B-12].


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How to Cite

Ramos Ruiz, I. (2025). The Spanish media coverage of the 2009 Greek economic crisis. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–15.


