Cost drivers in government pathology laboratories in Bogota


  • Alejandro Mario Torres Garay Corporación Universitaria de Asturias



Healthcare costs, pathology laboratories, cost drivers, financial management, clinical diagnosis, Coastal zone management, case study, accounting systems, operational efficiency


Introduction: Cost structuring in health services, especially in clinical pathology laboratories, presents complex challenges due to the fuzzy identification and classification of cost drivers. These difficulties result in inaccurate determination of overall costs and lack of recognition of specific activities and drivers, affecting financial management. The objective is to infer cost drivers in the diagnostic support process in pathology laboratories, serving as a methodological guide for cost management in the health sector. Methodology: A case study method was used to understand, represent, identify and apply cost postulates in pathology laboratories. Enquiries were made in texts, archives, articles and direct observations in a specialised laboratory, as well as quantitative and qualitative simulations of cost drivers. Sources included books, published documents and financial data from one hospital. Results: Cost allocation in the hospital is done in several phases: direct allocation of personnel and input costs, and indirect allocation of overhead costs. Resources are distributed among different types of business units, highlighting the need to adapt accounting systems to the particularities of each laboratory. Conclusions: It is crucial that costing systems adequately reflect specific activities and drivers. Although regulation requires costing systems in IPS, specific designs for pathology laboratories need to be improved to reflect the productivity and efficiency of these services.


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Author Biography

Alejandro Mario Torres Garay, Corporación Universitaria de Asturias

Public Accountant Universidad de la Salle; specialist in Financial Management Universidad Libre de Colombia, International Business and Conflict Resolution Universidad Autónoma de Colombia; Master in Accounting and Management Universidad Santiago de Chile; Diplomas in International Accounting Standards - UNAM de México, International Internships - UNAM de México; Academic Coordinator and Head of Area in Public Accounting programmes; University lecturer since 1990 in the areas of financial accounting, management accounting, costs, taxes, auditing, budgets and financial administration; researcher, director of research groups and degree projects, international speaker, publications of scientific articles and book chapters.


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How to Cite

Torres Garay, A. M. (2025). Cost drivers in government pathology laboratories in Bogota. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–19.



Humanism and Social Sciences