UDL and ICT: opportunities for heritage education in elementary schools





Universal Design for Learning, digital competence, inclusive education, cultural heritage, primary education, formal education, DUA wheel, citizenship education


Introduction: This paper aims to deepen the connections between the principles of Universal Design for Learning, ICT and heritage education. It has two objectives: 1) to explore the potential of ICT to work on heritage education in primary school following the UDL teaching model, and 2) to select specific tools to implement heritage activities in accordance with the principles of UDL. Methodology: The work analyses the different resources included in the UDL wheel v.4 according to five specific criteria. Based on these criteria, nine applications are selected that facilitate work with cultural heritage in primary school by integrating UDL principles. Results and discussion: The study of the different resources indicated shows the potential of ICT to address heritage education among primary students based on the principles and guidelines of the UDL, as well as identifying the most effective tools for this purpose. Conclusions: The selected tools provide students with different means of expression and action, representation and involvement, fostering links with heritage in an effective way and with respect for the uniqueness of each child.


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Author Biographies

Loida López-Mondéjar, Saint Anthony Catholic University

Graduate in Teaching and Doctor in Pedagogy with Extraordinary Doctorate Award from the University of Murcia. For years she has developed her teaching work in different educational stages, including Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary Education. She is currently a professor in the Faculty of Education at the Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM). Her research activity is related to the fields of Didactics, Media and Educational Technology. She is part of the research group Personal Development of the Catholic University San Antonio of Murcia, with which she has participated in various research projects and educational innovation.

Leticia López-Mondéjar, University of Santiago de Compostela

European PhD in History and Archaeology from the University of Murcia, she has done research stays in different institutes of the CSIC, the Università di Roma 3, the Università degli Studi di Siena and the University College London. She is currently a professor at the Faculty of Education Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela, where she is part of the RODA research group. Her research is focused on the didactics of Social Sciences, with special attention to heritage education and archaeological heritage as an educational tool. She has participated in several research projects, being PI of the European project 'ALHIS' (Marie Sklodowska-Curie-IF-EF (Horizon2020)) and, currently, of the project 'EduPArq', funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.


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How to Cite

López-Mondéjar, L., & López-Mondéjar, L. (2024). UDL and ICT: opportunities for heritage education in elementary schools. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–19. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-1206


