Evaluation of determinant factors in the academic performance of Chinese students in Catalonia: creation and validation of a questionnaire
academic performance, educational assessment, intercultural tudies, Psychometric validation, self-regulated Learning, Biggs’ 3P Model, educational intervention, development of educational instrumentsAbstract
Introduction: The increased presence of Chinese students in Catalonia not only enriches the region's cultural diversity but also introduces complex educational challenges that necessitate tailored approaches. Methodology: Leveraging Biggs' 3P model and the Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) theory, this study meticulously developed a questionnaire tailored to assess both subjective behaviors and environmental influences on academic performance. It engaged 122 students from five different universities across Catalonia, ensuring a broad representation. Results: The comprehensive validation process confirmed the questionnaire's high reliability and the efficacy of its factor structure in accurately capturing the academic dynamics among Chinese students. Discussions: The significance of this research lies in its successful creation of a robust and reliable measurement tool, essential for evaluating educational strategies within diverse learning environments. It underscores the need for educational policies that are cognizant of and responsive to the complex interplay of cultural and personal factors affecting students. Conclusions: This study offers substantial insights into improving academic success rates through tailored educational strategies, paving the way for more inclusive and effective educational practices in multicultural settings.
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